Absence Makes The Heart Grow Fonder – so the saying goes. How? When the person is gone for a while, you start to have that feeling, “How I wish she was here”. When you miss someone, you long for his/her presence. The next time the person shows up, you would for sure appreciate it much more and you might even let the person know how empty you feel when he/she’s not around. In this case, Yes, absence DOES make the heart grow fonder.
Let me touch about one thing. Do you guys actually notice that when we miss someone, WE also NEED SECURITY? Aha, that’s strange. But hear this. How long would you be missing a guyfriend compared to your own steady boyfriend? The guyfriend might be attractive and all, but you would not let yourself miss him longer because you DON’T have that security that he might be missing you too. You don’t have to spell out this to yourself, but you just know. It’s not worth it to miss a guyfriend when he might be missing someone else more than he misses you, that is IF he actually misses you at all. As for your own steady boyfriend, you feel like you own the right to miss him and he should be missing you (although you would never know what’s really in his mind *giggles).
It’s interesting to learn that “to miss someone” is an indicator of a delicate yet untouched attachment that comes from the bottom of your heart towards someone you just know. I mean, when the person is around, you might feel irritated, disturbed and annoyed, but when the person is gone, you suddenly realize that you would rather feel irritated, disturbed and annoyed ALL over again, JUST as long as the person is around again. Yes people, it’s funny. But like I always believe, when it comes to the questions of heart, you can’t always explain it.
Maybe some even use it to TEST how much the person means to them by trying to be apart from the person for a period of time. Say, for 1 month. “If I can’t stand this one month being apart from her, that means I can’t live without her.” What about that? *grinz. Speaking of “being apart temporarily” – it reminds me of the needs to “take holidays” from each other. Heard of it before? Ouch, you must! Couples Need Holidays.
Hey, this is unfair. I’m touching another nice topic in the middle of talking about another topic. No I won’t do it. Let’s save it for some other time, is that okay? *giggles.
Anyway, back to missing someone. As far as “security” is concerned, for sure nobody wants to miss someone who is not worth it. Missing someone is NOT a great feeling actually. I don’t like it when I start to miss someone. I don’t like that longing feeling to have the person around when it’s unlikely for the person to be around for me. That is quite ridiculous to entertain such emotion when you have very little to do with it to make that longing desire come to cease. The only “medicine” is for the person to come, but whether or not the person can come, is totally up to the person. Do you get that? It’s even hurting when you miss the person who you can never earn the right to miss. So what’s the solution. Try Not to miss someone who you cannot get. *Lols. Just kidding. Hehehe.
To miss someone is a feeling that tells us that no matter how selfish we are, we are just born to have other people’s company; that we need to have people around us, especially those who mean someone to us. It is also another test that yes, you’re a normal human being and if you miss someone, nothing much to worry though, the feeling just come and go but IF you really can’t stand it, Maybe you can do this... The next time the person comes again, tell the person how much emptiness you feel when he/she’s not around – at least let the person know. Who knows, maybe he/she feels the same way too and again, Who Knows... because of your little confession, both of you don’t have to miss each other anymore. You know what I mean.
u made me feel how im really miss someone..and i keep smilling all the readlines of ur words..yes..i do miss him but the term of securitiness becomes important cuz if he dont feel the same way like i do..wouldnt i be sad?keep the feeling inside alone oso sad ma..but at least we still have the TOUCH of it,isn'it?
Yes pye...but Nope, it's not "that sad" to keep the feeling inside you alone. I know how it feels to admire someone when the person is the last to know about it. The feeling is wonderful enough even if you keep it alone. How about that? *grinz.
tetiba ilang pula pa yg sia mo komen ..d sebab kan sia trima satu sms bisikan sora monyayang :P~~
ulal: hehehheheheheh...sepa tu ahh. *Lols
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