The 18 years old You and the 25 years old you – what’s the difference? People would expect that you’re a lot mature than when you were only 18. Or surprisingly, some people don’t change that much. They are pretty much the same person they once were. But every year that is added to our age, it’s so UNFAIR to still be the same person. I bet that at least one thing about you has changed. If not physically, or if not showed that much mentally, STILL there are things that you once didn’t know, but now you know. Ok laa, I can’t really put other person as a sample or study case because I can never know so much about one’s progression. Then, I have to present myself again as the study case today. Errkss...How Tiring!! *Lols
Looking at myself many years back, say 5 years back. Man, part of me is still in me. I might claim that my passion in writing has been around forever. I remember writing many spontaneous words of wisdom all over my text books and read them every now and then when I was only 12. The only thing that sure has developed my writing skill is the topics that I can write now are much broader. I can write about as many issues as possible. I am not ashamed when I talk about the adult world because I am already an adult. I might not have so much experiences to know so much, that much , about everything – but because I have been listening to many people, read other people’s experiences and I even had talks with people a lot more matured than I am and yeah, I asked a lot of crazy questions – Plus, man, I’m still a person who thinks a lot! What all that gives me? My Maturity.
Maturity is not something that we say, Hey I want to become matured la one day. No, I don’t think you can ask for it. It just happens. It’s not a material that you can simply buy and wear. For me, TIME gives you maturity. True? NOT TRUE. Time doesn’t give you maturity. It’s Experiences that give you maturity. And Time makes it possible for you to experience more. One more thing!!! Listen carefully. What If I tell you that, even Experiences DON’T give you maturity. Unless...unless, you take lessons from those experiences. Until you think that those experiences MATTER to you, then only you take lessons from it, and then only it makes you a better person. A Better Person – yes, a better person is what Maturity makes you become.
Looking at myself 5 years back, did I able to talk this way, write this way? I doubt. There are things about me that surely have changed. I might be a talkative person forever but the things that I talk about are now different. I can talk about much more different topics and give fruitful opinion on different stuff. Yes, I can still talk about teddybears and yes, I can still talk TO my teddybears like when I was much younger, because I have been there. It can’t leave me unless I let it leave me. But I think my girly side is not a bad thing. I love that girly side inside me. But that doesn’t mean that I can’t be a more matured person. Man, I am already a different person compared to months ago. I still remember someone said to me in such anger, “You know what, what you did is IMMATURE!!” Whoaaaa... it got me silenced for a moment. Someone just told me that I was immatured. *giggles. And I did the little thinking and decided, he was right. So I corrected my ways. And after I corrected my ways, I actually learnt something from that. And from there, I’m already a different person in one way. So, let’s not talk about 5 years, even 1 damn conversation can make you become a different person already. It’s all about you taking lessons from everything that happens. The more new people you meet, the more you are willing to listen and know, then the bigger possibility to change.
I spoke to another friend last nite. I asked him about a girl that my friend just got acquainted to. The girl is much younger. I asked him how the friendship getting along. He said, “She’s too immatured la. So kebudak-budakan. We can’t even talk much. We are not talking at the same frequency la.” I listen to comments like this from different guyfriends. When I asked them their opinion about the certain girl, they might come with the remark about the girl’s maturity. Then I always go like, “To me, she is nice, and I think she’s quite smart too. And she sure is cute. Aren’t those enough?” Actually, guys could be smarter than what they know in evaluating the girls they want to court. And because I have the guts to ask much enough that I come to realize that guys also love maturity. Or maybe it’s just the age thingy. Matured guys sure love maturity. Or maybe, can we just conclude this...Maturity is a big attraction.
People can be informative and knowledgable as long as they try so hard to keep in pace with what’s new and what’s current. But maturity is much more than that. Maturity Should Be a gift that aging gives us. But the speed of maturity does differ from one person to another. You will become matured faster if you take things seriously – learn from anything and never be so selfish that you are just too good to learn from small things.
Okay, now that we come to this part of this post, I want to say that I don’t think I’m matured enough. If people mistaken me of being matured just because I never run out of topics or ideas to write or talk about, then I don’t deserve it. Because I may have listened a lot from other people’s experiences, but I can never beat those who own those experiences. My ideas are only theory-based – those who have hands-on experiences are much better to speak. But when I said to my ex that, I’m still the same person, but a much better lady – I think I mean it. I humbly think that I deserve to be called a better person. So for that, I release myself from the punishments I deserved from my acts of immaturity in the past. I definitely learn a lot. And should we be ashamed of all the immatured things that we did before? Let me answer. Don’t let the past get us. We have the ocean of tomorrows to make up. We are a lot Matured now, remember? :)
All the best to all of ya :)
Setiap kita yg dilahirkan di dunia ini pastinya dianugrahi kelebihan masing²..ada yg semula jadi pandai walaupun mereka² ini kita tidak nampak pun bila masanya belajar..tetapi setiap result pastinya mereka² ini lah yg akan menguasai carta. Jeles..!! sudah tentu lah..pa tidak kan. bersyukurlah jika kita tergolong dari kalangan org² yg dilahirkan sedemikian rupa. Bercakap tentang kematangan..pastinya semua akan kata "NO COMMENTS" tentang diri mereka sendiri. Sebenarnya akal fikiran, keperibadian serta suasana kehidupan dan pengalaman hidup lah yg banyak membentuk kematangan dalam diri seseorg itu.. org selalu berkata "saya lebih dulu makan asam garam kehidupan.." rata² kita berfikiran bahawa org yg berumur 30an ke atas adalah matang dari segi zahir dan batin...BETUL! tetapi tidak semuanya dalam lingkungan umur tersebut semuanya matang. masih ada juga boipren dan gelpren, suami/isteri yg masih merajuk..hinggakan tidak bertegur sapa atau yg lebih memalukan sampai bergaduh ternampak jiran sebelah @ org ramai ibarat membuka pekung di dada kan...adakah mereka² ini jenis yg matang..? adakah mereka ini layak dijadikan contoh dan teladan...? Kehidupan seseorg akan memberi impak yg mendalam terhadap kematangan. Jerih payah dan usaha dalam menjalanikehidupan yg sukar..lebih membuatkan keperibadian serta hati seseorg itu lebih matang dalam pelbagai aspek baik dari segi mental fizikal dan rohani...dia lebih gigih serta tawakal dan akan sentiasa sigap dan peka terhadap peristiwa yg akan berlaku hari ini, esok dan mendatang. Jadi dalam pelbagai gaya..kamu boleh dikatakan telah matang dalam tindakan dan fikiran walau masih terasa diri itu sama sahaja dengan diri yg kelmarin, minggu lepas, tahun lepas ataupun 5 thn lepas..Nyatanya bakat yg sedia ada yg terbentuk dari kematangan yg telah diwarnai oleh pengalaman serta pergaulan dgn pelbagai golongan manusia itulah yg membuatkan mu istimewa.. tidak kira sekecil @ semuda mana org itu..kematangan dan bakat mereka adalah berbeza. ibarat batu berlian jika tidak di polis sudah tentu tidak akan indah dan menyerlah..sama juga dgn manakan dapat sagunya jika pokok rumbia tu tdk diproses kan...(komen kedua selepas Bila Di Hati Tiada Cinta)
waahh...winesimpsons...bahasa mu itu baa...heheheheh. Anyway, thanks for the comment, wonder what would u write about if you have your own blog... and if you have, maybe you can share it with us *giggles. Thxx
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