A guy having a crush on a girl, Normal la ba. Who will question? Apa dia buat, kasi bunga? Kasi surat? Kasi coklat? Kasi la macam2 pun. Even nyanyi for her depan orang. Noone would laugh at him ba. Tapi kalau kita perempuan ni yg ada crush sama a guy, what should we do? Okay, since this is my blog, nda lari la sia cakap pasal pengalaman sia sendiri. Seumur hidup sia ni, I think I had my biggest crush on a guy when I was 18 years old. I mean, this was totally Me having a Crush on him. Lain2 kes tu, biasanya the guy akan mula, or anything like that la. But this one crush, it was ME! Then if you asked me, what I did? I totally enjoyed my crush, like to the MAX! I didn’t actually demand anything back from the guy. I just admired him from afar. I watched him play football like every late afternoon, just enjoying the view. The fact that I was not in the same class with him, I didn’t get the chance to be near him. I could only steal a sight of him before and after when the class session. Whether it was at the canteen, library or the field! It was a crazy crush, Actually!!! Hahahahahaha. Man, I lurvee the experience. It’s like, the whole college knew about it, but nobody really talked about it openly. I never hid it from my friends that hey, I likeeee that guy, A LOT. I looked at it as a healthy thing. Hello??? I was a healthy normal teenager. Pheww, I have a heart that works, finally I could prove! *Lols. Okay, how I handled it? I NEVER TOLD HIM about that. I never actually spoke a single word to him. The sweet moments happened when I stood at one corner, and he stood at the other corner, our eyes met and I smiled at him, Omigawd 256, wasn’t that obvious??!!! *Lols. And the best part was, He smiled back at me, so so sweetly. I got hold of my reaction, and turned back and went to my friends and screamed, He Smiled At Me!!!!! *Lols. Yeah, the superhyper 256, like always. If you ask me, why didn’t I let him know that I like him?
1. I didn’t feel the needs to do that. I didn’t plan the crush and since it happened, I only wanted to enjoy it.
2. I didn’t think I have the desire to make him my boyfriend – I wasn’t ready. It was just a BIG crush, maybe? It’s the age thing.
3. The crush was a new overwhelming feeling, sometimes I felt that it was bigger than what I could handle. I could not get overly crazy and spoil the whole thing.
4. I was a girl. Wasn’t it improper to just confess your feelings? What if he didn’t like me back? This is a normal dilemma. If you have the same thing in your mind, you’re not an alien.
Actually, this is one thing in my life that I could have done differently if I had the chance to reDO it one more time. The thrill was so fun. Now that I knew the outcome, I would not mind to just go back in time, (in a long dream, maybe?) and this time, I promise I would tell him to his face. “You know what? I like how you play football. I like how you walk. I like that blink2 on your ears. I think your hair is cute and that smile, my oh my, one of the sweetest I have ever seen. All in all, I think it’s not too much of me to say that I have this little crush on you.” (Boooooo 256, those words suck! Luckily you didn’t say them. Hahahahaahahahhaha. You saved your face, be grateful!)
Ok, serious now. What should we do ah? Itu dulu. When I was 18. Actually, age ni ada effect juga ba dalam ini hal. Masa tu, you have a crush on almost all the wrong reasons. Semua sebab2 yang superficial ba. Cute sikit, macho sikit --- sudah ada crush. Hahahahaha. Now cuba laaa. Kau pikir sia tinguk lagi ka tu barang semua? Lain sudah ba tarikan lelaki tu di mata kita. Kita punya penilaian berbeza sudah. So maybe I did the right thing la masa tu. But let’s speak of something general la. How to handle this crush yang sometimes gets bigger and bigger. Kadang2 tu feeling tidak tertahan sudah ni ba. Macam u sometimes fikir yang, hey, it’s unfair to keep this alone. I Must Tell Him!!
Well, first…Actions Speak Louder Than Words, agree? Maybe you guys tidak payah spell it out for him ba. Tidak payah cakap itu words, “I think I have a crush on you.” Nope. Why don’t you guys Show It, in your own sweet gentle ways. Show him some generous attention. If you can get into his phone, sms la tanya khabar. Or just make some silly excuses just to get in a conversation with him. Tanya him benda2 yang menarik minat dia. All this adalah normal la. A normal thoughtful friend would do it too. So dari that little thing going on, you can sense any “green light” whether or not the person has the same tingle towards you. Selagi u selesa untuk teruskan, teruskan saja. Berpikir secara positif la. If you think you’re overdoing, slow down sikit. Don’t scare the guy away! Hahahahahaaha. From there, you will know what to do. Basic dia cuma how you start it saja. Yang lain2 tu, it will develop sendiri. Crush ni cuma satu benda yang sangat basic ba. Sangat raw. Belum tentu lagi you akan terus suka that guy when you know more about him. So the point is, to see if this can lead to something bigger. Eh, what if the guy has someone already? Wooo…you actually have a crush on someone’s guy? My goodness! *Lols
Emm…susah juga macam tu kan. Ok la, macam ni la. Luckily la manusia ni ada perasaan. Biar la dia boyfriend orang ka, tunang orang ka, bukan juga kau plan ba tu mau ada crush sama dia. I think you have to at first, be friendly with the word “crush”. Look at it as a raw feeling of admiration towards another person. Appreciating the person’s punya good quality. The key is, just make friends la. Be realistic dengan your situation. Tidak juga you terus pok mau aim boyfriend orang dengan harapan, “Harap kamu break la cepat2!!” *Lols. Nope, it’s not like that. Inda juga bagus kalau kau bina kebahagiaan atas tangisan orang lain, kan? Paling senang – everything starts with friendship. If he feels the same way, I’m sure something good will happen from there. Kalau sudah teda kesesuaian, kau paksa macamana pun, mimang inda jadi juga tu. So dalam hal2 feelings ni, kita kena realistic juga. Sentiasa rasa yang itu Crush adalah hak kau untuk rasa dengan sepa pun. Untuk the person who return the feeling, itu hak orang tu. So masing2 ada hak, jaga hak masing2 ja. Cukup. Each of you has no responsibility whatsoever untuk return itu feeling secara paksa. It has to happen mutually and naturally. Sia rasa, kalau basic dia betul, everything yg kamu buat pun akan berada di landasan yang betul. Jangan terlalu obsess dengan Crush ni. Feel good about it, enjoy it and buat if you feel it’s right, then show the person that you care.
Look, I can never tell you what to do. Tapi how you look at “having a crush on a guy” is very important. Lain2 hal tu, kau main “redah jer”, provided that kau kena ada prinsip juga dan sentiasa pikir dulu sebelum buat. Kita sebagai perempuan ni, nda kisah la ini zaman millenium sudah, tapi it doesn’t change anything about kita punya dignity. Kita punya harga diri tu ba. Apa buli buat kalau still the guy would mistake you for being terhegeh-hegeh, itu kita nda ble control apa outcome yang org rasa sama kita. But dari kita sendiri tu yang paling penting. Kau tau kau sepa, kau tau diri kau macamana – lepas tu paduli la apa org mau pikir. Yang bestnya di zaman ni, org semakin open ba. Kalau dua2 berpikiran matang, teda hal ba ni semua. Inda kan la kalau tu org confess dia ada crush dengan kamu pun terus dia tidak mau kawan, kan? Kalau jadi macam tu, let the person go saja la. That’s too immature la. Apa pun, pasal orang sekarang ni cukup pintar, nda payah cakap ba tu. He can read between the lines. The thing is, don’t send the wrong signal to the wrong guy la. You have to show it clearly who gets your attention more. Bottomline, sendiri punya hati, sendiri mau ingat la. Hati cakap A, perbuatan pun kena buat A juga. Kalau kau kasi rumit jalan kau sendiri, kau juga susah. Make it very clear. If you can’t solve your own confusion, what more can you expect from yourself? Apa2 pun, semua mula dari diri sendiri!
So, is the idea bulb blinking now? Good luck, gals! :)
crush...hrmmmm...it makes me remember this one guy...wah...immediately trus 'jatuh' ni when i saw him smile..hahahaha...
haiz...i wonder if that time I just went with it...sekarang sa sama dia kali..kekekeke~
but it really gives a good feeling..just being able to see him pun jadi. =p
zaman karang lampau open sdah bah kan
hehehe..buli sms buli bawa jalan2 sambil pigang2 tangan macam2 buli.. sia maseh ingat mama sia kastau sia waktu dulu duuuuuluuu taim durang remaja kan..tu peraturan lampau ketat bah..sikit2 buli kana sogit..yg paling eran sia ialah ..sogit yg paling mahal iyalah bahagian tumit kaki kaum pompuan.. then sia nanya lah..napa sana paling mahal sogit dia??? rupa2 nya owang dulu2 sampin lampau matamatik nya...camni dia kira bah <--kalo pompuan tu duduk besila..maka tu tumit melekat kena d ANU nya..nahh kalo ko tapigang tumitnya ertinya ko tapigang jua anunya!! wakkwkakwkkakakaaaa then sia nanya lagi..napa bkan tilapak tangan yg paling mahal?? sbab suma dia buli pigang!! haha...jawapannya iyalah <- mang gitu laitu adat NAK!! lolz
heheeheheheheheheheheheh...butul tu dingo. Old crush tatap ada tu sentimental value dia.
Jojon...erksss...gitu la pla. Ba, lindungi telapak kakimu ya kawan2, terutama yang suka duduk bersila. *Lols
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