
Friday, March 6, 2009

Last Nite...

Last nite was great. I got engaged in a superlong conversation. I got sweet lullaby lagi before I slept, ya know, like someone saying candy words into your ears. Hahahaahahahaha. I felt so funny la because for something like that to come from this person, it was almost unthinkable. But before that, berabis oso kana maki. (Hahahaahahahahahahaha) Sudah la me sedang sakit throat. Apa pun, life ni memang best kan, u guys sedar ka? Anyway... this morning is even shocking. I got a proposal of a life time. It’s cool or what?


Yang bestnya...

This is all just...

A Joke.


NOTE: Maybelah... Hahahahaha gotcha!

Uiks, panat2 sia taip pasal a nice article semalam, kali tinguk, save tempat lain pula. Jadi mau nda mau sia terpaksa tulis anything supaya korang nda rugi takan ni blog sia ni hari tanpa hasil hehehehe. Nanti korang report pi Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri pun susah jua kan. *Lols. Yeah, I have sore throat ni guys. Nasib my voice masih maintain. If my voice sarut, me la paling sengsara, cos I can’t sing, I can’t ketawa mengilai macam owez. I hate the fact that I have to rest from scaring people hearing my laughing voice. *Lols. Kidding. Have a nice day everyone. Esok la I post my article that. Muahss all.

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