People seldom talk about health when they are healthy. We may sometimes eat too much junk foods, consume high-sugar drinks and seldom exercise. People with this unhealthy lifestyle will pay for it sooner or later. Even some people who think they eat healthy, eat vitamins and exercise, still suffer from some illness sooner or later in their lives. Sure, it's scary when it makes you feel there's nothing you could do to avoid from getting sick. But life is for everybody, illness is not. But if you smoke, you only conform that illnesses are yours, because you also eat and drink all the junks the non-smokers consume. So what is left to be healthy in you? N.O.N.E.
It's clear to see that smokers don't care any less about what the deadly smokes do to their body every puff they take. And for that reason, they are categorized in this first group of people who don't love themselves, admit it or not. Then, there is another group of people who are full of affections when it comes to their loved ones. These loved ones usually are the ones revolve around us. You chat with them, you eat with them, you watch movies with them, even, they are the people you speak often of your future hopes and share passionate feelings. These are the people you cry and laugh with, the faces that you won't want to miss seeing everyday. And because of the strong bond, you grow to love these people more than you can imagine. Isn't it sweet to have such affections towards your loved ones? Surprisingly, smokers could also be among those with such affections.
How I pity especially the newborn babies born whose parent(s) are smokers, being so pure and clean from everything, having to endure the unhealthy air in their small lungs; when they are too small to avoid anything to happen to them. They couldn't say "Daddy, please stop smoking and let me grow up healthy" because it's not them who have all the ability to think as grown-ups, and the power to do what they think is right. It's not them, it's you. The decision to carry on smoking and see your loved ones suffer one day is certainly in your palm. Smoking can make you richer? Make you have more friends? Make you more loveable? Make you "smell" better? Improve your looks maybe? If the answers are all negative, then think again if it's okay to spend another year living as the time bomb in your family. One scary question to smokers: Have you killed anyone yet with your deadly smokes? You won't know, cos you never care.
adezzzzzzzzzz takana lagi!!
tension baaa.... sama sadap tu kalau lapas makan.... ba ba bagi yang merokok stop la kamu merokok arrr?? wkakkakakaka
ada cerita ni bebeh256..my friend kan dadi dia meninggal suda.. 1 week lepas dadi dia meninggal dia termimpi yang dadi dia kasi dia duit suru p beli rokok.. bisuk dia bangun he tell mummy dia.. mummy dia suru p beli rokok yang biasa dadi dia isap and kasi bakar 1 kutak... nehhhhh bebeh256 sampai tepigi d dunia yang lain pun masi mau merokok oooOOO siap order dari dunia kita lagi..wkakkakaka
dari diri sendiri mau sedar akan bahayanya merokok.. ermmmm
uiks...nantung kau menyigup kai tu? hehehehehe. Bukan apa guys, macamana pun sia benci itu gaya menyigup kan, camana lagi kalau org yg kita sayang pun menyigup kan? Sia pernah juga dulu betul2 benci fanatik gila sama penyigup tapi sekarang sia rasional sudah sikit dan sia akhirnya sedar, ajal maut di tangan Tuhan tapi apa pun,
kalau BULI la kan...kasi kurang2 la
tu smoking ahh... :)
waaaaaaaa ibat ehhh situry c nantung.... arap2 lain kali kalo sia sdah gol .. namau sia kasih mimpi anak sia eh bilikan sia sigaret wakwak..paling2 sia mimpikan durang anak sia numbur ikur lagi besh hahaha..
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