
Saturday, August 18, 2018

If We Live Longer...

I remember this friend. Many years ago, back in Uni, we were next-door neighbours, But our rooms were only separated by a wall. So I could know if she was in her room or not. And that time, she was dating this one guy who kept her time occupied. We were not really in good terms back then because of our different social values, different lifestyle, so she wasn't my favourite friend, but strange enough, there were times when I felt so lonely when I knew she wasn't in her room. I could see from my window if her room was dark, I knew she must be somewhere with the guy. I dislike the idea that her room was empty.  I remember the feeling. Though I was not consumed by that loneliness, but still there was a little sadness. But isn't life like that? Eventually we would all be separated to lead our own lives, and speaking of a friend who I don't like, it must not be hard to never see her again after we graduated. That's what in our simple thought, but not exactly.

As I examine my life now, after so many years leaving Uni days, today, that friend is still around. In fact she is the one who needs my attention that sometimes I ignore her because I am too busy with my other work. Then she has no choice but to come to me because I am the only one who could do it for her. Of course, at the present, things are going well in our lives respectively, but it does go a long way how we are still being around each other, needing each other despite our differences. When she looked like she is the one who needs my presence, I could not help but smile, and thought if she had any idea she did make me feel lonely when she was not in her room when we were neighbours back in Uni days. And it is as if she reacts to me that "I am here and you will see my face often, now you can't say you are lonely anymore". Hahahaa. Funny silly, but that's life. I'm still glad we all live this far to experience all this.

If we live longer enough, we will get to see more hatred turns into love. Revenge into forgiveness. Rejection into acceptance. Heartache and failure are the biggest contributors to our wisdom, and our stupid decisions are what making us experienced. For now, it's pointless to think when will our journey end, because one day we could reach 70 and realize we waste so much time thinking we may not make it to 50. It's not our Job. Our job is TO LIVE WELL while we still alive. Lets do that :)