Yesterday, I received a phone call through my office phone, from a long lost good friend. Well, not exactly long lost. I know where he works, I can go there anytime, but I don’t have the time. It’s the same with him. According to him, we have not talked since August 2008 (yeah, the month I started to go to IRC *Lols).
Cerita punya cerita...as usual la. I did the talking all the way. *Lols. He punya kerja cuma dengar and then cakap sikit2 only. And then I potong lagi sebab I had too much things to say ba. Hahahaahaha. Actually kan... this guyfriend was once the closest person to me because he is involved in the urusan that involves me. If you notice when I mention about the friend who caused me a lot of “eyelashes” – he’s the one. Honestly speaking, it’s quite unfair la juga because I have put his name far enough walaupun he has once been close to me. His inability to make himself available like before, I tend to not remembering him that much, especially that I am meeting more great friends who are available often enough. But one thing for sure, I know he once appreciates me so much. I remember that the last time he went to my office, he called me the day after, just to tell me... “Kau tau ka, kau sekarang ahh makin... huiyoo... Tapi kenapa mcm banyak pula jerawat kau. And then kau nampak berisi sudah. Jaga2 juga la ba walaupun kau nda kisah tu semua.” Berabis sia ketawa baa...kurang asam betul punya kawan. Ini org kan, dia akan komplen apa pakaian sia. If I wear too ketat, dia akan sindir2 la tu. Hahahaahahahahahaha. If I talk too much pun, he sindir2 me oso. Tapi itu yang menjadikan dia kawan baik sia ba. Sebab walaupun mulut dia teda insuran, tapi bila dia puji sia, sia tau pujian dia tu betul2 punya. Okay....tapi friendship kami tu started 2 years ago and then last year, started to slow down sudah. And for the past 6 months, we hardly dengar from each other. Call pun tidak. Masing2 ada kerja mau buat.
So finally yang petang Jumaat baru2 tu, he called me up. When he got his turn to speak kan, he finally said this. “Kau tau ka, sia betul2 rindu kau ba. Sia rindu mau dengar suara kau. Masa sia stress lagi la, sia ingat betul sama kau ba. Sampai ada masa yang sia mau menangis sudah bila ingat time dulu yang kita boleh cerita hari2.” – Terus sia terdiam ba. Inda pla sia sangka kawan sia yang mulut teda insuran ni akan cakap benda macam tu. Terus I felt so guilty that I have put him far away from my mind. Then I went “Errr...duiii giaa.” Terus he sambung, “Kau ingatkah beberapa kali sia call kau and kau cakap kau bz? Punya kecewa sia tu masa. Bila limpas kawasan kau, balik2 sia mau singgah tapi sia tau kau bz so sia nda mau kacau kau.”
Heran kan? Berbulan-bulan tidak contact, kita pikir kawan2 kita lupa sudah sama kita. That’s how we use to think before kan? Sepa sangka org yang tidak call2 kita selama 6 bulan, actually can think that much of us? Heran betul. Dan satu benda yang I get from the phonecall kan, actually benda2 kecil yang kita buat dengan bersahaja, actually mendatangkan kesan pada orang2 tertentu. Walaupun maybe I talk too much, but to some people, it heals dorang punya stress. Bukan sia sengaja2 buat gitu. Apa buli buat kalau sudah sia ni banyak cakap punya org. Tapi bagus la kalau “kelemahan” sia tu adalah satu kebaikan juga untuk org2 tertentu.
I feel so grateful and thankful to God because I have people who appreciate my existence in this world. And I hope and pray that I am worthy to be in their mind and I can return my appreciation to them in the form of friendship. Thank you Lord for all the nice people in my life. Yes, including you who are reading this right now.
1 comment:
I'm a type of guy yg malas sikit mau reply msg & malas mau jawab personal calls time bz kerja (mostly time o/sttn).. Even sama family pun sia buat mcm tu.. Dan disebabkan sikap tu la sia telah 'terlupa' beberapa bestfriend sia time study yg dulu 'tidur sebantal, makan sepinggan, susah & senang bersama'.. Menyesal sebab masa x buli putar balik & kejar dorang..
Makanya, hargai kawan2 yg ada sebab kita x tau sampai bila kita boleh bergelar 'kawan' pd dorang..
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