On Foods
1. I am a Malay foods lover.
2. I can cook almost all my favourite dishes.
3. I am a coffee nut. I go all weak if I don’t start my day with it.
4. I love to eat. I can eat and eat non-stop as long as foods are still on the table. Totally bad news to weight lost attempts. Hahahaha
5. Carbonated drinks used to be my routine. But now, drinking a small bottle of Coke is considered my monthly indulgence.
1. Strange but true. Men with earing(s) gets my attention a little easily. Generally speaking.
2. I have a strange admiration towards men with tattoos.
3. Generally, rugged guys look attractive to me on first impression.
4. A big attraction to me if a guy can play musical instruments and sing along.
5. To me men must be good with their financial management – before they can brag about anything else in front of the girls.
1.I got agitated with people spreading dust around me. Especially with foods and drinks around. A total No No!
2. I got irritated if people sneeze with uncovered mouth.
3. I dislike seeing people who spit around.
4. I won’t be around smoking and drunken people.
5. I don’t like being around people who have bad verbal manners.
1. I am a very good listener.
2. I write as much as I talk. My ideas are always outpouring.
3. I laugh, giggle and grin a lot.
4. I am very opinionated, I stand for what I think is right.
5. I am comfortable with people appreciating my work, and not making so much fuss about who is the person behind the work because I want to appear visible only to a small number of people.
2. It’s so easy to make me smile because I always appreciate what people give and do for me.
3. I am the Gossip Girl material, Smallville, Grey’s Anatomy and also anything comedy.
4. I love to think and making my own philosophies. *Grinz
5. I lurve all of you my blog readers and followers! Muahsss. *giggles.
Okay... now it looks simpler to me! I have tried to finish writing 25 things about me and it was damn hard, until I do it systematically. Maybe you people can try it too. Anybody being left out? Give me a SOS call, ok. Hahahahahahahahaha
lazu lazuuuu ko bikin tattoo kat leher mu nantung!!!!!
nantung: atas atau bawah ahh ??
ulal: atas bawah pun antam lah buzz!!!
*Lols (Hahahahahaahahahahahahahhaah) Uiii bah sudah2 la tu. Matai la ketawa ni.
odoi dogoi si ulal !!! waakakakkaka nanti sa buat tattoo ulal nanti sa kasitau ko arrr.. mataiii!!!!
Nantung, jan kau disesatkan oleh idea si encik ulal tu ahh... (maka diam2 kali tu si nantung sudah pi buat tattoo, tapi lukis sendiri *Lols). Ulal, sia gigit kau sana ah, menyindir ja kau sama adik kau ni. Hahahahahahahahaha
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