
Thursday, March 12, 2009

"Depression: Been There, Done That"

Depression doesn't sound like a disease at all, does it? It's nothing near diabetes mellitus or leukemia that really do sound like chronic diseases (and they are). Depression sounds too normal for us, that we forget that everytime we feel extremely bad about ourselves, so stuck with our problem or so frustrated with our fate, it's actually depression that we are going through. I must tell you guys about this. Given that you're healthy and not physically handicapped, the biggest challenge to you is the battle within you.

Depression makes you feel unwanted, makes you think that you lost your purpose in life, you want to stay away from the society and lost in your own world of sadness and frustration. Depression is the major reason to suicide attempt. Guys, whenever this thing happen to you, do this one simple thing - slow down on the negative thoughts, I mean it. When you are about to think how terrible your situation is, stop right there! Why? BECAUSE THESE NEGATIVE THOUGHTS DON'T TELL THE TRUTH. If you let them take over your mind, you can't see the truth! I have been there, done that, and I have tried what I just suggested you to do - Negatives thoughts are the enemy within you, whenever you meet them, "show that fist" and say "You're not gonna get me this time!" Laugh at them and imagine this bunch of bad guys (holding weapons) with the label on their heads that read "Negative Thoughts" turn away from you because just by you laughing at them makes them weak and they don't want to bother you anymore. When you manage to do all that, then only you can see life as what it really is. It can never be so bad because God gives us 24 hours everyday to do something. We are given the ability to achieve what we want. You own so much; you are loved by some people, you're missed by some people and maybe you overlook the people who often complimented you (they have some kind of adoration towards you, don't you realise?)- how can life ever be that bad when love is all around you. Remember, depression happens when you let "the bad guys" attack you - if they just about to show up, you know what they are for. Give that cynical smile and show them who's the boss of your own life! 


AngeL BeaR said...

depression is not something that is easy for everyone to let go. some tend to kill themselves due to heavy emotional problems. it cud be caused by anything that in serious cases one has to take medication to keep them calm. I knew quite few friends that is like sad though. But then again, its the support from friends and loved ones the most to help them fight against it. =.=

Anonymous said...

buang jak tu erti deepression d dalam diri mu :))
pandang banyak sikit tu owang bahagia.. tapi jan nda pandang tu owang yg nda bahagia...sbab dr sana lah kita buli rasa diri kita lebih BAHAGIA dr kebanyakan manusia :)) dan kaseh tambah tu rasa bersyukur dalam diri kita ... nahhhhh kan sonang mo jadi gumbira :D

Anonymous said...

Yes, I agree with you guys :))