Then I said, “Mimang ada orang mcm tu. Dorang tinguk penampilan org tu dulu sebelum dorang mau layan baik2”. Hey, look who’s talking. I sendiri pernah kena mcm tu when I deal with this bank. When I pakai t-shirt and loose pants, itu perempuan di kaunter mcm malas2 mau layan. Cakap pun mau raise voice. Selang beberapa bulan ja after that, I come to the same bank, buat urusan yang lebih kurang sama. Cuma this time I dressed nicely mcm biasa la, in my working attire. Layanan sangat berbeza. The same girl yang di kaunter tu, cakap pun tunduk2 dan segan2. When I said something, dia dengar baik2. Then itu masa la sia nampak sendiri macamana orang ni menilai orang lain melalui penampilan dorang. So, making use of this, maybe you can consider wearing nicely kalau mau urusan kau berjalan dengan lancar. Bukan pasal apa, pasal kita teda masa mau correct penilaian orang kalau dalam situasi macam tu. Urusan kita tu lagi penting. Kita kena ikut ja cara mainan dorang. True or not? First impressions do count!
The best part of the conversation with the chatter comes when I learnt that she is actually a single mother. Then learning that she has been that way for more than 10 years, then I asked la. “Don’t you feel like looking for a replacement?” She thought I was kidding. Maybe it never crossed her mind. Then she said to me,
“A replacement?”
“Ada ka yang mau sia lagi? I’m old enough. I’m not pretty. Not solid. Noone will accept me especially after knowing that I’m a single mother. I don’t groom and wear make-ups. I don’t even dress nicely after work.”
Then she said,
“I have self –confidence in my work. But not in relationship.”
Then I replied,
“Okay, then start somewhere. You’ll be surprised that the prouder you are of yourself, the more attractive you become. But I’m not the type who shows off just to attract other people.”
I said,
“Maybe you may start to groom and dress nicely, just to tell yourself once again that you’re THAT worthy. You love the woman you are. And you do all this for YOURSELF.” Forget about other people first.
My point is kinda simple. Sometimes we worried too much about putting up a good cover. Looking beautiful and all. But actually, I found out that the way you bring yourself is actually where the real attraction lies. You’ll be surprised when the girls who has the most self confidence have more fans than those who are pretty but nothing else. The attraction lies in how comfortable you are of being yourself. At the end of the day, it’s not about Who’s the prettiest of them all, anymore. Those who have learnt to love themselves and feel good about themselves, becomes a magnet for others to feel the same way towards them. And I don’t say that we go through all this just to please others. My concept is always – begin with yourself first. Whatever you do, you do it for yourself first. Feel Good and you’ll look good. Let’s try it, what do you say?
alallaaaaaa bebeh256 kuang asam tyu pekeja bank arr sama ko .,.. kalo lah sia nda d layan kat bank !!!keesokkan ari sia p lagi skali tapi ngan mata tutup sobalah(mata lanun)apa lagi kalo sia ada rabbit punya gigi !!!nahas lah tu pekeja bank zumpa sia..kompom bogogal tu ati zantungnya :D~~~~~~
Hahahahahahahahahah...laling baaa.
Sambil2 jua kau menyindir sia ahh... patutla kau ni abang kesayangan sia oo *Lols. Muahssss
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