Well, the title sounds a bit harsh. But perkataan “bodoh sombong” ni satu bidalan yang sudah lama ada, dan bukan sia buat2. I still remember back in secondary school, one of this male teacher said to us with that very very vicious look on his face. “Jangan jadi bodoh sombong!” Cos he was expressing how upset he was towards us that time. Masa tu, sia nda berapa paham apa maksud dia. Sia cuma rasa dia jaat betul guna perkataan “bodoh” tu.
Now sia sendiri pun sometimes mau guna tu perkataan. Cos you know, ada this one habit yang only best described as “Bodoh Sombong”. Jangan pandang negatif sama tu simpulan bahasa. Why don’t guna tu sebagai peringatan kepada diri sendiri? We have this habit, yang sudah la kita tau yang kita tidak tau satu perkara tu, dan kita tau ada cara untuk tau, but still we refuse to do it because we are SO LAZY and so comfortable being in the state of “I don’t know and I rather not know.” Lain la kalau kita ni begitu berpengetahuan sampaikan kita boleh pandang remeh saja perkara2 yg boleh menambahkan pengetahuan kita. And then you ask me, “What for?Ada faedah meh?” – Odoiiii dogoo. Let me ask you again. Kau tau satu perkara tu, dan kau tidak tau, antara dua ni...mana satu lagi bagus? Of course la, It’s better than you know than you don’t know!! (Still don’t agree with me? Take your time bebeh, and think again!)
The blogging trend has been around for quite a while. What is the meaning of Blog? It’s a short form of Web Log – your own online journal. Most the early bloggers use it as their own diaries. They tell people their frustration, their good experiences... and all that stuff. Now, bloggers are becoming more creative. Anything Goes! You go through 100 blogs and you’ll find 100 variation! It tells you right there that No 2 Minds Are Alike. Not all of us can meet 100 people in one day and learn something about each of them. You ask me, “What for?” Then I have to shout this again, “IT’S GOOD TO KNOW!” With blogs, Yes you can go through 100 blogs in one day and learn something from each of them.
I have spoken to a few friends who dislike reading. Whenever someone speaks of “a blog”, they roll their eyes before the person even finish pronouncing the word “blog”. Man, how they hate reading! So since I am now a blogger myself, I should say something. I remember having this phone conversation with my friend who is one of them who think that “blogs are lame”. So when I tell him this... “Why are you being so negative? There’s a lot you can learn from reading blogs.” Then he said, “I don’t read that much.”
Then suddenly I became a bit geram. I told him this. “You tell me that I have a lot of ideas. You even wonder where the ideas come from. Now I’m telling you. BECAUSE I READ!” Then macam he baru tersedar one thing la. “You could be right”. “Of course I’m right. If I don’t read, I don’t think I can write a damn thing.” “Blogs are not just for the lamers like what you think. If you open your mind, you can learn A LOT from blogs alone.”
Sudah la you tidak tau, you malas lagi mau membaca. Sampai bila2 la u tidak akan tau. Orang lain sudah jauh beribu-ribu batu. Baca newspapers, baca blog, baca majalah, baca macam2 buku...you masih lagi di situ. Dengan alasan, “Alah, malas la mau baca.” Ini adalah attitude si “bodoh sombong” yang sudah tau diri tu tidak tau byk perkara, kemampuan membaca tu tidak diguna langsung. Sia sendiri pun kadang2 macam tu juga ba. Banyak perkara yang sia buli explore dan belajar, tapi pasal hal2 kecil pun sia terus rasa, “Alah, biar lah. Nanti2 ja la.” Tapi at least, sia sudah sedar benda ni satu penghalang untuk sia maju, so I can do something. Tapi bagaimana pula dengan mereka yang nda sedar2 lagi tu? Wake up la! Let us together move forward. Read! Read! Read!
NOTE: Some of my readers are once the “hesitant readers” too. I had to ask them a few times to at least, visit my blog ONCE! One funny thing is, some of them are now my loyal readers and I still remember the first time they said, “Niceee blog!” (Then I know, they have spent some time reading! *giggles) So, apa macam? Ada rasa mcm kana gigit semut api ka kalau membaca? Inda kan? Nah...tu la korang. Satu sen pun korang nda rugi kalau membaca! Kita jauh2 la dari tu perangai “bodoh sombong” tuu, ok? Ok set!!
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