If you become me, you know that I don’t spend my freaking time thinking about a lot of things just to agree with the rest. Not that I say I purposely want to think differently, NOPE. The thing is, most of the things are just not working. They are here to ruin us from moving forward!!
There’s a time frame for everything, according to what the popular and common belief people follow. Like, “according to them”…I should get married after graduation, “according to them” I should land a decent job by the age of 25, “according to them” a woman should give birth to the first child before 30, “according to them” if you don’t own your own house and car by 35, your life sucks.” I mean, you can continue with the list. That’s what the popular standard people have on how to define something to meet up the community expectation. If you are not following the trend, you’ll get funny stares and be the talkabout of the town. Ahh? That’s serious ka? *Lols.
Actually, I don’t read enough, I don’t listen enough, I don’t see enough, I don’t experience enough to know Everything. But from the all the “not enough” things I have done, at least I am very certain that all the “according to them” issues – DON’T WORK! These are ancient and outdated!! Seriously!! If you’re still wearing those stupid standards, well, “POOR YOU!!” – GET A FREAKING LIFE, start from now!!!
I might not know so much, but everytime I have the chance to listen and know about other people who BEAT THE ODDS, I usually treasure that moment. When I watch someone speaks on Oprah about how “she feels the best in her life when after reaching 50” – I usually remember. And mind you, the person might not have all the definition of what the description of “according to them” has. They make their own definition and surprisingly, they just ignore “the popular standard” and start a new benchmark, and most importantly, a proven one!!
I remember my sister giving comments about some of the people that I know. She recently found one of my seniors who is still striving to land a job. The lady does everything she could to survive this challenging life. She went to private college on PTPTN loan after a few years working at a supermarket, and now after she has graduated, things don’t unfold very well for her because she still fails to land the job and my sister’s department even is she has an insider to help her out. A lot of my senior her age are already achievers in their own fields, and to make things worse, even her juniors are enjoying much better life than her. Life sucks for her, at least in my sister’s eyes. She keeps saying, “These people might be a product of the best school, but still that doesn’t determine their future. Look at your senior.” Then just now, another guy, who is my colleague back in college, just landed a job at her department and she said, “He’s married for years and only landed a job now? That’s very pity.” You see, listening to comments like that won’t help much. Yes, it’s sound quite late for them to achieve something that most people achieve much earlier in life… SO?? SO WHAT???
I told my sister, That’s not how you define success. It doesn’t matter if it’s late or early, what matters is he’s there now. You can’t really go and compare people like that. I can assure my sister something. These people’s lives might look like nothing but disadvantages, but I can assure her that at least there’s ONE THING about their lives that is better than my sister’s or anybody’s, who want to compare. I am sure!! And I don’t have to find out what that is. That’s what I always believe. I believe about the theory of balance. I believe that there’s NO WAY you can know about someone’s life so much to DECIDE that their life is a failure. As long as they are still alive, tomorrow is another day. Tomorrow holds a lot of secrets.
I don’t believe in SPEED, my dear friends. Read my older post with the title, “IS THE RACE IN LIFE ALL ABOUT SPEED?” It’s one of the best articles that I have written that says it all about how I perceive this. It can be a motivation to a lot of people out there who are late developers. To hell with speeds. Unless you are sure you are going to die tomorrow, then maybe you can spend your whole nite crying over the things that you have not achieved. But life is made so beautifully that you don’t know when it’s gonna end, so it’s unfair when you see the end of your life when you’re still alive and kicking. That’s how I see it. There’s no other way to see and do it better. Hope and strive for something better is a need, and do it as if you gonna live forever. Do you have a better choice, my dear friends? Nobody purposely want it to be late, but you have to accept your own progression. There’s a reason for everything. What matters is, you move forward and be someone better. That’s seriously the most important thing. Be Someone Better. Why should I compare my life with the already successful people? They are successful, I’m happy for them, but that doesn’t mean I should grieve about my own life. They might have won some awards for many things, and I only have my little blog, but if this blog means to me as much as the awards mean to them, can you say I’m wrong? No you can’t, because it’s me who is feeling the joy. You have no freaking idea to define how much happiness I have or how meaningful my life is. Your life and mine are two different things. We might have different time for everything but we are both doing all we can to make our lives better everyday. That’s all that matters. We run in our own personal and individual track, okay? It’s not a freaking RACE!! I’m not racing with anyone here, understand?
So my friends…it’s never too late for everything. If you think it’s silly to achieve things a bit latter in life, but wait until you hear someone who comes to you and said “his life sucks because he’s going for the speed earlier in his life.” If only he took his time, he could settle for the best, but now he’s settled with the second best. I will talk about this man in my next post. So…if there something you get from this post, I hope it’s all the good things. :) Good luck!
yg panting jan duduk sana tepi jalan sambil amik mangkuk minta sedekah lah ekekkeke... sia nampak kan.. ramai yg idupnya miskin tapi sangat gumbira dr yg kaya,biar pun lauk ikan masin sampul daun ubi .. tapi pemilynya lebih ceria dr org yg tiap ari punuh tu meja uli lauk pauk yg sodap2 :)) kalo lampau kaya pun payah jua .. nanti anak burubut harta lah,bini cari gigolo lah(maklumlah bisnisman ni sangat bz) pastu untung basar punya duit pun mo pikir camna mo ganda gandakannya lah.. lampau tensiun baitu sampai malam pun susah mo titun.. kalo lah bagi sia.. sukuplah sederhana .. jan lampau mambubut bubut sari harta sampai keluarga pun terabai :)) aiikkk lain sdah ni sia situry wakwak /me lazu lazuuu tapuk dalam kain sarung c bebeh256 subulum kana geget ulinya wwakwak
aikss, lari daripada sia tapi tapuk di kain sarung sia jua...adoiiii camana niii...*Lols. Pssttt...bila masa lagi sia pakai kain sarung ni ahhh. Hahahahahaha. But your concept memang ngam dear..muahss di pipimu tuu. *Lols
kalo bagi panyamun tarbus arr dear.. tempat paling bahaya iyalah tempat paling sosoai utk batapuk wakwakwak
"But your concept memang ngam dear.." <-- ini bukan merujuk kepada konsep bertapuk di kain sarung baaa lalingg!!! Hahahahaahahahaha, ini konsep yang hidup bersederhana tuuu laa...eiii. adala bengkak pipi ni kana kubit.
Tempat paling bahaya adalah di dalam kain sarung ka that? (*Lols)
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