Actually, something like that happened to me again. Someone made the same request again. I was surprised because I never asked for a gift from other people, and still people could get the idea of asking something from me. Hehehehe. I mean, I actually find it very cute when a guy asked for a gift from me. This latest request that I get, is actually the most interesting one. Of all the things he could ask for, he actually asked for something “not so popular” in the list. You could ask for a date, a shirt, a pair or shoes – anything familiar like that. But this guy actually asked for something – that could not be found at any shop. I was startled for a while and said, “Wow…what a request.” He just asked me for something – which is the most valuable material that I ever given to someone in my life. At least I thought so. Because the gift could only be produced if you use a lot of time, and most importantly, you would not do it if it were not for someone you Love so much. Without any of those, it is impossible to make it. The last person who received the gift from me – I thought he was the first and last person to receive it from me. And although now I know it isn’t so, I don’t think I could ever make another one like that. It takes too much of my time to do it.
Most importantly, if I were to give something like that, it’s my decision, not yours. You know why the gift request is so interesting when it comes from this person? Because he predicts that we won’t be there in each other’s life that long, only this gift is the best token that will remind him that we are once, friends. That time when he made the request, I didn’t know how to answer him so that I won’t hurt him. I remember making funny jokes just to change the topic, but he insisted to hear that I said Yes, I will make the gift for you. But I couldn’t say it, because I don’t want him to keep hoping,
Then I had the urge of asking him this.
“Why do you ask for this gift?”
He said this, “Because I made one for you too.”
Wow. I was so surprised.
He continued, “From this, you will know everything. Even the unsaid. That’s why I want something the same from you. So that I can keep it.”
I felt quite touched actually. Hehehehe. But if he wants something like that from me, I need a better excuse. Anyway, now that his bday has passed, I don’t know why I feel a bit guilty. Maybe because I know it would mean so much to him and I was never serious enough to really make it matters to me.
I think it’s better than we don’t ask for anything from anyone. Just let the person give something voluntarily, because that’s “a gift” really means, right? The last time I asked for a gift from my boyfriend, I caused him a lot of troubles. I stopped requesting since then. Hehehehe. And another stupid rule that I follow; unless he’s my boyfriend, I only give a guy a gift to “reply” his gift - so I will never give first. Not sure if I have broken this rule too. Hope not. Hahahahahahaha.
Anyway, don’t you want a sincere gift that comes from the heart? If yes, then stop asking for one. You will get one if people think you deserve it :)
ada satu kawan sia dr kisi arr dear.. ko tau apa adiah dia sendiri pilih ?? taim dia genab 21 tawun wakwakwakwak
/me pelan2 bisik kat tinga bebeh256 shyyy jan kastau org lain arr ... dia sari pelasur utk buang sial kunu bahhhhh wakwakwakwak
adoiiiiiii...buang sial kaitu dear? Silap2 sial lagi dicarinya tuu kalau macam tu tauuu...
/me pingsan ketawa
wakwkkakwkakakaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...uina lalinggggggg sia rasa nda shial jua dia wooo...sekarang dia pun mazu sdah d kira ..ada 3 sdah kadai hp dia..bini pun santik dan muda..nahhh wakwakwakkkkkk
p/s bahh bagi yg bulum sampai umur 21 tawun tu buli2 pikir ni cara buang shial arr ..tapi kalo nda monjadi...bkan tanggungjawab sia arr wkakwkakkwkakwkkaaaa
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