Dulu masa sia student, I think it’s stupid to just agree to pay the price when bargaining looks possible. Unless it’s in the supermarket, or restaurant, it’s different. But I think I wasn’t as bad as it could get, cos I have a friend who minta kurang harga masa dia pegi ambil gambar passport!! Hahahahahahahahaha. Sia dekat nda pecaya, sampai benda2 mcm tu pun dia terpikir mau minta kurang. It’s quite unheard of kan? And surprisingly, itu lelaki Cina naik kesian juga dengan kawan sia tu…so dia kasi kurang juga RM1. *Lols. Masa student, you don’t really feel about saving face, right? I’m curious if that friend of mine still do it now that she’s a high rank officer. Hahahahaahahaha.
I just learnt that I have stopped bargaining for cheaper price…especially services. I went in a random saloon, asked the person how much they are charging for rebonding, and she said, RM180 for your hair – using Wella products. Considering that the place is quite silent and clean, I said, OK. And then, considering that my hair was going to cause them a lot of work, then I saved myself from asking for a lower price. The main reason for that was because I didn’t want a second class service from their hands. I know that I could save RM30 if I go to other saloon. But I also have to consider my time and my energy to reach that other saloon. My time and my energy do cost something.
Another thing is, people would understand if students ask for a cheaper price, but people find it annoying if you wear decent office clothes and still you’re asking for a cheaper price for something that is already very cheap. Kalau sebagai tukang jual, mungkin kau akan yang rasa yang orang mcm ni cuma menunjuk-nunjuk saja, tapi benda kecil2 pun mau tawar menawar. Hahahaahahahahahaha. Well, it all makes sense ba kan? Doing what I do now, sia jumpa mcm2 karenah customer. If I were to set a price, boleh dikatakan my price is average dan sangat berpatutan – looking at the value of art behind the service or goods. But kalau dibandingkan dengan hal2 lain, memang the price is considered high. Contohnya, if you bandingkan my price dengan harga 10kg beras yang you boleh pakai sampai 1 bulan, haa…memang my price mahal. Hehehe. But terpulang sama org la kalau mau banding my artwork dengan harga beras. Hahahaha. These days, I will still ask for cheaper price, but only IF I buy something in large quantity. If I want to buy only one and think it’s expensive, then leave it. Kan memang adat membeli macam ni? It’s not like, you have RM1 but you want to buy something with the price RM2, then you paksa2 tu penjual kasi kurang 50% dengan alasan, “Sia cuma ada RM1!!” Hahahaahahahahah…ridiculous. Please don’t make me laugh, ok? My concept is quite simple – if you can’t afford something, don’t buy it.
So when sia face customers yang ada habit minta kurang ni…awal2 tu sia selalu lembut hati. But then I learn that I must be professional. If it’s too costly, then go find someone else. I have to do that because I understand the value of my work and I know some people who are doing the same thing would call me stupid to charge that low. I have to be firm to preserve the value of my work. As buyers, we must understand that. The choice of buying is yours. If you think she’s charging too high, then go find someone else. You must consider the availability and accessibility of the service or product. Like, why Pearl can be costly though it’s something natural found in the deep sea? It’s not like they’re using all the high-tech machine to make each of the pearl, right? Until you know that it takes years for the quality pearl to be produced naturally. And not everyone could make the effort to look for them.
So once you understand ni hal semua…maybe you can evaluate how people put price on their service or product – and why you cannot compare dengan barangan yang not belong to the category and sentimental value. It took a while for me to understand value kerja orang, and now when sia sudah paham, sia usually tidak akan tawar menawar especially when benda tu sia susah mau jumpa- I will just ask, If I could get special price if I buy in large quantity- It’s very fair, right? Ada satu benda tu orang buat sampai 2 minggu, dia jual dengan harga RM20, kau minta kurang lagi sampai RM10, iaitu ngam2 cover harga material saja. Ada kamurang pikir value tu tenaga dan masa dia – and artwork dia? Ahaaa…u guys kena tau how untuk nilai kerja orang.
Dengan pemahaman sia tentang hal ni, explains my reaction in this situation. This service/product biasa kena charge RM12 di kedai lain but I put the charge only RM5 – terus ada tu customer pigang2 anak2 dia, susah2 pegi tempat sia hanya untuk tanya, “Teda kurang lagi ka tu?” Instead of jawab dia, terus sia ketawa geli hati – Mau juga sia try taruh RM1, dan tinguk adakah orang tanya, “Ini kalau 50 sen, boleh kah?” (HAHAAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA).
Ada lagi satu…Price display taruh yang this one item costs RM5 each, but for quantity 100 and above RM3 each, and 300 and above is RM2 each and 500 and above is RM 1.50 each – so you guys know what? Ni betul2 bikin ketawa. Ada tu customer cakap, “RM 1.50 ja kalau 500 kah?” “Yes, but cheap kan. But you must order banyak lah.” Dia betul2 excited dengan tu price, sia pun heran. Cos walaupun murah, tetap juga you kena order begitu banyak baru dapat that price. Last2…rupanyaaa customer tu pikir RM1.50 ja untuk 500 biji ba!!! HAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAHAA. Logik la ba sikittttt. Satu biji kena jual RM 5, tiba2 500 biji ja RM1.50 hahaahahahahahaahahahahah. I mean, you guys see ka? Even if you silap baca tu price tag, u boleh pikir ba kan sama ada benda tu logic ja tidak. Adoiiiiii…nda abis2 ba sama karenah manusia ni. So nda pasal2 customer tu malu sendiri.
Bahhh…kalau mau tawar menawar harga tu pun, kena lah berpada-pada…jangan kamurang kana lecture balik oleh tu tukang jual la…iaitu, “KAU PEGI BUAT LA SENDIRI TU BARANG DENGAN HARGA 50 SEN LEPAS TU KAU JUAL SAMA SIA. SIA PAJAK DALAM 1000 KEPING, APA MACAM??”
(Hahahaahahahahahahaahahahahahahaha /me pingsan ketawa)
Muahsss all.
I tell you..........most ppl will never satisfied until u kasi free sama dorang..baru durang puas ati.
yg pasal tanda harga tu sia rasa ..sia sondiri pun akan nanya jua tu tau yg rm1.50 =500pcs wakwakwak tau napa sia p nanya ?? sbabnyaa kompom ada mandak siksi bogia tu dalam tu kadai :P~~~ wakwak.. pandai tul ko taruk pic pasal diskaun berian arr lalingggg ha ha ha.. /me mo minta diskaun jua ni sama tangan keretif c lalingggg wakwakwak
Otopot la tu dingoo...mau dikasi free ja ba dorang ni. Rutan satu2 baru tau. Hehehehe
Ulal: hehehehe lalingg...satu diskaun satu kali gigit ahh...cuba2 la kalau inda takut kana gigit. Hehehehe :P
wakwkakakwkaakaaaa...uinaaaaa ni barulah milinium punya bisnis woman ..sanggup jua sia kana geget ni tau laling .. tapi tempat2 yg tertuntu jak ni yg buli d pasang :P~~~
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