Spare a little bit of your thoughts on this. Many people out there are way ahead of me. They are being more cautious from the beginning. I remember talking to an American pal. He said, he rather save himself for marriage and stay a virgin until he finds the right one because there’s just too many concerns about diseases that could spread from sexual intercourse. I thought that he was just trying to sound like he’s been leading a righteous way of life – I mean, an American, what do you expect?
The news has to feed me many and many shocking reports about how fast the infection is spreading worldwide. Still, I don’t think it’s serious enough. HIV? Ahh…that’s a disease that people like me shouldn’t be worried about. There are thousands of workers in the sex slavery that should worry. Including those people who are getting their service- They should worry. Not me. But then, after hearing unwelcomed news for thousands of times, it finally hit me. They are not anymore talking about adults who lead unhealthy lifestyle. They are talking about kids. It’s happening every hour. More and more lives are now counting the days. We don’t know how long they gonna be live. Their immune system is a ticking bomb. It’s KIDS, my friends. KIDS. They are too young to even know how to spell AIDS. They couldn’t even remember the 3 big word- HIV – which is now, the reason why they have to go earlier than the normal kids. Why do they have to inherit what could be the mistake of others? The most unacceptable fact is when the kids inherit it from the parents!!! Have you done your part?
I want to make this short and straight to the point. Don’t make others pay for your own mistakes. As a matter of fact, life is getting back at you the worse possible way. It’s by watching the people you love suffer with you, from your own doing. Yes, some people get it by mistakes or accidents. I could only pray them all the mercy God could give them. But now, I’m talking about YOU, who is given all the wisdom to get something done. Do something about this and don’t be part of the statistics. HIV is NOT a joke!! Don’t give this a chance to ruin your life!!! And if you think it’s a weak reason to start cleaning your acts, at least think about the kids that are going to get affected by this. Anything you do today that gives way to HIV, could spread to many other innocent lives after you. PLEASE DO SOMETHING!!!
pasal HIV ni suah gia.. tau sdah kalo langgan pelasur ataupun sex rambang peratus tinggi akan kana ni panyakit .. tapi skali kat depan mata tu pompuan mengiurkan .. tu perkataan HIV dalam otak pun ilang lolzzzzzzz sama jua ni panagih yg pakai jarum .. bagus2 ada gam utk d isap .. ni mo pakai jarum juga spaya best siket kick nya kali hahaha ...
cubalah kunu cuma angkat tajau sambil aramaiti .. kan lagi best :))
kita yg slalu sedih utk ni kanak2 yg kana uli ni HIV .. tapi sebenarnya durang lagi gumbira dr kita..sbab mereka ni lebih mengerti menghayati kehidupan mereka semasa hayat , yg kita pula?? pandai jua kaitu arr menghayati kehidupan kita sendiri ?? :))) kalo pandai menghayati then besyukur lah ko nak :)) tapi kalo nda tau menghayati pula camna ??? sari pukuk tumatu utk gantung leher kah ?? hahaha
/me sembarangan sakap jak baini ..jan korang amik ati zantung sbab teda kena langsung sama yg maseh idup ataupun sdah gol wakwakwak
/me we are The wold~~~~we are the children~~ haha ~~peace~~
Apa pun, yang sudah kena tu, kita nda buli buat apa2 sudah. Yang belum kena tu, jan dikasi kena. Nahhh...kalau sudah tu pelacur menggiurkan, mesti yg bukan pelacur tu lagiii menggiurkan tu lalingzzz... /me berabis ketawa.
Apa pun, ni HIV ni kan, lagi baguss kalau inda kana laa. Memang sepa nda setuju tu, mari sini sia pasik. hehehehehehe :P
Nah, pandai2 korang ahh. Safety first tu. Yg suntik2 jarum tu, sia pun pandai jua suntik jarum pegi printer sia isi ink. *Lols. Kalau gian tul menyuntik, maybe you can try it once in a while. Ada 4 karer lagi geng! Hahahahahahaha. Cuma ni best sikit. Bebas HIV. Apa maciam? *grinzz
Dunia skrg moden, canggih, maju, elektronik dll.. tapi manusia skrg HIV pun tidak pandai takut.. lebih2 lagi remaja yang baru mau kenal dunia... suda sedia maklum ba HIV ni bagi mereka salah... tapi sikap ingin tahu mereka sangat kuat disebabkan tiada pendirian diri dan kesedaran diri... clubing, enjoy, friends, smart, hensem, cantik, rokok, jenama dll <-- ni semua diambil berat oleh remaja... kalau semua tu tidak ada makanya tidak update la hidup...naahhh~!! daripada ini la semua menjadikan mereka hidup dalam dunia yang penuh dgn keseronokan... sehinggakan masuk ke dunia pasangan yang bergantian ataupun sex bebas, jarum ke tangan ataupun dadah, sedut menyedut ataupun Syabu, hayalan ataupun suda high sama tu dadah..
jadi mana kah sikap kerohania mereka?? tidak perna ka mereka rasa bersalah?? ermmmm fikikan la bersama.. aisayyyyy
Nantunggg welcome back :))Paling bahaya ni remaja2 yang tidak tau apa risk yang dorang face. Kalau sudah tau and then masih buat, tu lain cerita. At least berani buat berani tanggung. Jangan bila kena, baru mau antuk kepala di dinding, orang lain mau kesian pun tidak ble buat apa2. Life is a gift. Walaupun ajal maut di tangan Tuhan, tapi God sudah bagi manusia begitu banyak knowledge untuk kita guna dan make the best from this life. So kawan2 semua...pandai2 la kita dapatkan life yang kita mau, ok? Muahsss all :))
/me hulur tangan salam damai sama c nantung hahaha long taim no look bro :)))
tupik hiv ni bkan saja utk kaum remaja .. nda kira umur sdah ni ..masi singgel kah atau pun yg sudah kawin .. ni lah d namakan "manusia"
tau sdah jalan salah tapi mau jua maju ke tempat tu jua :)))
/me kanit2 mata sambil besiul2 wakwak
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