People often speak about drinking a lot of water. Water is important for a lot of good things in the body. I heard about it since I was a kid. But believe it or not, I have NOT done it so well eversince? Yes people. I never actually care about drinking water. I’m a person who drink very little of plain water. I only drink a lot of coffee and other things, but not plain water. It’s actually very awkward that I only come to realize about this, a few days ago. I couldn’t just sleep over this matter. I must do something!!
Our body is our instrument. We should do the best we can so that it’s in the best condition. I’m never really that concerned about my body. I eat what I want, and I wear what I like, if it fits me well – Oh it’s good!, but if it doesn’t – Ok let’s find something else! And if I want to do a work, I work my butt off. And after all that my body has done for me, omigawd, I didn’t actually feed it with enough water??? Omigawd!!
Desires and needs are two different things. Our body have desires, as well as needs. When I’m hungry, I know that my body needs the foods. But when my body doesn’t need foods, my desires could chip in. I saw a lot of foods and I still go and buy them and feed my body – though my body might not want those foods. See that, people? That is also a type of torture to the body. The toxic from all the foods our body doesn’t want, needs to be taken care of none other than the body itself. Not to mention the excessive fats that will transform our body into a tame monster. Erksss. *Lols. I mean, how long should we continue with these tortures? Each of us have only one body, right?
Realizing that I love my body but I have not done justice to it, then I’m starting a NEW diet regime, again. Nope, don’t get me wrong. This is NOT about holding back from foods. It would be ridiculous to lose weight drastically just to see them come back, but twice this time. Nope. This is not even about losing weight anymore. I have too many unfinished business before I even think about losing weight. What I will do is I will feed my body a lot of water. I must finish 1.5 liter of mineral water before I leave my workplace. I’m 2 days on it so far, and I’m feeling good. I will not hold back from foods – but ONLY the foods that my body wants. But I will not torture my body with my stupid appetite of munching over what I don’t remember eating. *Lols. Now my body must be ready for the change because I can’t always put it off until tomorrow what I can do today. The good thing about this Water Diet is I will eat whatever I want. To not listen to what my body wants is also another torture. To hell with losing weight. I don’t even have enough supply of water, for goodness sake!!! Now, I only want to concentrate on drinking a lot of water and everything else is the same. But should this Water diet cut down my food intake, I don’t know. We’ll see. But so far, I still eat my meal as usual. But the month of Ramadhan gives me a good environment to slow down on my binge of –eating-for-fun. So, I’m taking advantage of this. *grinz.
So we’ll see how this Water Diet fares. I hope that my body will be happier with me now that I’m doing this for “it”. Hahahahahahahaaha. My body, you better be nicer to me ahhh….Pikir senang ka mau minum banyak air that… *Lols. Best luck to myself!!!
pertama tu mang susah tu mo talan banyak air laling..kalo ko paksa jua minum ..kompom beberapa ari nanti akan biasa laitu purut mu manarima tu air :)))) /me wish laling dapat apa yg dia mo buat .. God Bless :)))
me sudah bejaya minum banyak air masuk hari ke 5 sudah thiss!!! But sia mengaku la sia mau temenangis sudah bila tinguk tu botol masih separuh lagi bila sia dekat mau pulang sudah. *Lols. But then sia minum juaaa tauuu. Nanti badan sia merajuk, janji kaling nanti dia tuduh sia. Hahahahahaha. Tingkiutt :)
kalo badan mazuk ..then biar c titi yg puzuk wakwakwak
/me berabis ketawa sana pisuk2 selepas kubit si jojon kuat2 *Lols
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