I have told you guys that I have been the place where some people come and share their problems. It’s not just that. They even share a lot of secrets. I never actually notice my “extra duty” until the little conversation that I had with my sister just now.
We have this very close first cousin (the one I mention in the post, “The Victim Of Birthday Bonus”). When we were small, she always preferred my sister. They had many good times that didn’t involve me. But now, it turns out to be the opposite. I become her favourite instead of my sister. Although I don’t have that much proof to earn her trust, but she actually takes the risk of trusting me. She told me about her dark secrets that not even her parents know about. And I have been keeping those secrets ever since. So when I had a chat with my sister just now, she mentioned that the cousin of ours just told her something…something that I already know much earlier. So I told my sister, “I knew about it already. In fact, I know a lot more than what you guys know.” That line knocks me. So does that mean I’m a good secret keeper? Am I always this way?
Actually…I have experiences back in schooldays when a friend found out that I told someone else a secret that she asked me to keep. I have long failed as a secret keeper. But maybe I have to rethink. Maybe I don’t fail yet. Take a moment and ask yourself. Are you gonna keep all the secrets people tell ya?
I have a few things to be put into consideration. I would share a secret in two conditions:
1.Some people come and tell me something they consider a secret, but then I know that some other people already know about it too, so automatically I’m loosen up on keeping my mouth shut about it. But I’ll still be careful that I only open my mouth to the group of people who already know about the secret.
2.When I’m told a secret and I know how important it is to the person, I still feel like it’s okay to share it with others who has no connection with the secret’s owner and less likely to bump into the secret’s owner. So it’s like telling a story to another person about someone who they don’t know. Because to me, a secret only means something when it’s kept from the people who could cause harm to you. Other than that, it sounds like another story that means nothing to others.
But one common mistake that we do in trying to keep a secret it…
When you give your trust to someone in an instant private conversation and thought the person gonna keep it for ya. This is the mistake that I did back in schooldays that got back to me – it left me completely stupid when the secret owner came back to me and said that “someone said that you told her about my secret.” Luckily, we don’t have much dirty little secrets when we were younger. I’m sure I did not cause anybody shame or lost of life or anything serious like that. I think that it takes a series of bitter experience to make you a better secret keeper. Please keep in mind that I don’t think anybody picks this profession as a “secret keeper.”
Anyway, I can admit that I am a much better secret keeper now. Especially when I respect people more and I understand why some secrets are so important to them and that they entrusts me with the secrets. Trust and faith from others are among the things I should be grateful for because they don’t come freely and easily. I have to earn them. So, as a grown up person I am, being able to keep a secret is actually an act of maturity.
So my little advice is, if someone comes to you and share the secret that if you tell others, would bring them shame and tarnish their good name, Let’s do this – Keep the secrets for them cos who knows one day you might need them to do the same thing for you. We all have secrets and if only we come to the right person to share it with. So again, challenge yourself that if the secret is really gonna leak out, make sure it’s not from your mouth. Let’s see how long can you keep it… *grinz. Being a secret keeper definitely gonna add good value to yourself as a human being. So to become a value-added human being, I don’t mind at all!!! Hehehehe. Good Luck!
being a secret keeper is really burdensome...especially when you always meet that someone who involves in those dark secrets...you feel like wanted to burst out...even worst when there is a rift between you and the person who gave that secret for you to keep....you feel like wanted to get back at them with these little black book that you keep.... =.= been there, done that.
Yeah, if you know the enemy's secret, I think leaking it will be a good payback Hahahaha. Not so ethical though, but then, it can be the last resort. I don't think secrets last forever. There will be a time when the truth finally revealed. Why worry? There's a new secret everyday! Hahahaha. Secrets add the thrill to the revelation of fact, so I might not mind to play along. *grinz
sonang jak baitu kalo mo keep secret ni .. taim ko terima tu secret ko masuk tinga kanan pastu kuar tinga kiri .. kompom nda akan leak tu secret :))))))
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