First, she got the wrong person to ask. Ask anyone but Twofivesix[256] okay? Since when I ever got through an interview successfully? I failed very badly, my dear friends. *Lols. Ohh, don’t give me that look. Hehehehe.
Let me recall the last interview that I went to. It was the best interview that I did, because although it doesn’t go along with my certificate, but from my little experience, I could be somehow qualified to the job more than those who has the proper certificate alone. I was the only one who has different qualification among all the candidates. I Knew It that I was gonna fail. *Lols
But to look beyond that, it might not be because of me having different certificate. The post is to be an “Assistant” to a major post. So when you have the word “Assistant”, you must know that it’s not the same as “The Boss”. (*Lols). I understand even more why I failed the interview. I don’t think anybody would want to hire me as an assistant. I don’t fit to be an obedient assistant. Omigawd, I forgot that I was interviewing to be an Assistant! Hahahahaha
Look people. You guys listen. The main idea for an interview is To Present Yourself The Best and let the interviewers know your best qualities. You don’t want them to overlook that yes, you’re smart, you’re a fast learner, you’re honest – All that stuff! But let me correct you guys in this. Maybe it’s NOT all about that!
Just when you try to let them know that you’re so good in many things, you guys would leave the interviewers frowned. You might be proud that you’re a firm person, you have a strong principle and assertive, but hey, do you think they want “An assistant” to be that well-spoken and bossy? Yes, you’re right. They need a KULI, not a boss!!! They want someone that they can order and boss around, “Make me a cup of coffee” or “Make photocopy of this document now!” or “Answer that freaking call!”. So from the person’s characters alone, you can see if the person is fit to do all the petty tasks WITHOUT screaming back at the boss, “Shut up and make the f*cking coffee yourself!!!” (Hahahahaahahahahahahaha). Omigawd, I failed! *Lols
So, do you think just because the interview is to be a KULI, you can just snap your fingers and make the job yours? Nahhh, gotta be kidding me. Just when you think you have a good certificate, and good self-presentation, good communication, - So what? So you can surely get any job you want? Nope!! Not everyone is fit to be an assistant. It’s very simple. If I were to hire anyone to be MY own assistant, do I look out for someone who is like me? Definitely NO!! My goodness. An assistant with my characters will make me go crazy. *Lols.
A short conversation with my female friend just now refreshes my whole understanding all over again. Although I think she’s not so well-spoken, uptight and very not knowledgeable, she might just be the one for the job. As a matter of fact, she is already a favourite worker to the firm where she’s currently working in now. Her bosses like her so much. Why? Because she doesn’t answer back when she is cursed. Her lady boss could throw strange look at her outfit and she responds with a smile. She would run fast to the post office when she is asked to pay the bill – o man, should I be surprised? I am not her match, for Pete’s sake!!!! *Lols
So my point is…If you put all your heart and soul to aim a job as a KULI, make yourself very humble because they are not looking for a boss to replace them, okay? Your bossy attitudes won’t help you, and be realistic with that. As for me, I know it that I fail indefinitely. I hate to take orders. When I want to do A, and someone else comes and say, “256, go do A”, I would change my mind about doing A. That’s how resistant I am to taking orders. Hahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaahaha. And to confirm my failure even more, yes, I will answer you back when you say something I don’t like to hear, and I will NOT mind to brainwash you back just to correct your misled perception. So, you want someone like me as your KULI? (/me saw all the readers run away before I turn my face at them) Hahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahaahhahahaahahahahahahahahahah /me pingsan ketawa
Muahsss all. Lurvee ya guys.
Have a nice day.
I got no prob with interviews so far. Mangkali ada praktik sikit-sikit apa kena ajar masa di college hahahahahahaha~ =p
then dingo, maybe you can write a post about the interview tips. It will be a great help for the candidates out there :)
sia rasa sia buli jadi assistant c bebeh256 .. asal sia nampak dia tegang otot leher tuss sia p pisit2 tengkuknya.. kalo dia panat bojalan tuss lazu2 sia amik losiun pisit2 botisnya wakwakwak
lain situry lak arr... bkan semestinya ko bkan satu assistant yg nda bagus ngan gaya mu tu dear.. ada jua tu boss basal yg mo sari owang yg macam ko tu utk jalankan bisnisnya.. terutama skali ko buli pikirkan utk dia .. bkan suma boss mo minta assistant dia buatkan barang mah.. tapi kalo ko .. mangkali dia mo ko jadi bini2 nya lah ada kebarangkaliannya wakwkawak
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