I made the call and the guy picked it up. I explained to him that we didn’t know we need to pay for the facility differently and because of that, we were facing some troubles. He courteously tell me that it is always known to most people that it should be done that way. So it was my bro and dad’s fault for not “asking enough” when they went to make the payment the other day. So, without even starting to “work something out” from that desperation, he finally gave himself up!? I passed the phone to the security guard and they talked a bit. And then I thought “that was it” for us, so I hung up. The guy called me again and said.
“Okay, you guys can use the facility. We usually don’t allow this without you guys getting the permit first but since that you are already in this situation, I will allow you. Just ask the security guard to help you guys out. I have given him the order to allow you guys use the facility you want.”
I said thank you and smiled. We saved ourselves from problems and most importantly, we saved some money too. When I told my aunties and uncles who were at the venue at that time that I just got an easy permission for something “not free”. My uncle blurted out, “Is that person a man or a woman?” I told him that the officer is a man. “No Wonder!” That’s how it works. If you want to ask something from a man, ask a woman to do it. A man won’t ever get a permission like that from another man. That’s according to my uncle.
Then, this brings me back to years ago. Back in uni, the word that appears to be so big for us is the word “Tips”, especially when the exam or test is approaching. Tips means Clues about the questions that are going to come out. So I remember, a coursemate, a Chinese guy passed me by and said to me, “Hey 256, I think you better go and ask Prof for some tips for this coming quiz.” Then I went, “I heard that Safri already went to meet Prof and he refused to give any tips.” Then he said this to me, “Kalau dengan Safri dia memang tidak akan bagi. Kalau u yang pegi mesti dia bagi.” That time, I thought he was just trying to sweet talk to me. But in reality, maybe that’s how it works. Your heart just melt when it’s the opposite sex that come to ask for something. You automatically become a little bit more compassionate.
But this perception is a going overboard too. I have my guyfriends who thought that I got what I want because I was using “all the charms” I have as a lady. I get a fast approval or even good treatment from the people I ask approval from – just because I’m using my secret weapons. Damn it! No, I never play dirty. Not knowing how to play dirty is my weakness actually, so don’t accuse me for getting something because I play dirty. When I told them that I get something fast, they keep saying that I’m using my charm. I don’t even have that charms ba, aiyooo!!!!! We women have abilities too, okay? We are qualified too. We don’t just get things easily just because we have charms! Damn it!! No, it sounds degrading to me. If I have all the charms but stupid, do you think people would give approval just for the freaking charms? Especially when big money is involved, would you risk it all just because a lady “who has charms” come to you? Oh come on! But if some people like the way I talk or present myself, I think that’s individual evaluation and I can only present myself the best I know. I will be grateful if people like it, but then it’s totally up to them.
Anyway, I do agree that women do have their own advantages over men, especially when it comes to talking people down. So women, if you have it, use it the right way. We have to stand tall using our own feet and don’t let the men think that we can live with our womanly charms alone. But then if it has to happen that way, I’d say why not. All charms are a blessing, right! *giggles.
You go gurl!!
well what do you know...we never ask for the special attention given...but we surely deserve to have it! hahahahahahahaha...
Oh well, now you're talking gurl. Hehehehehe
ermmm mang ada org yg d kurniakan bersakap.. lebih kurang macam tu burung kat atas pukuk buli dia siul sampai tu burung tarabang turun p tangannya.. dan cara ko besakap dear..mang ko ada tu bakat... tapi sia rasa kan ... ermmm ..ada senjata tatapuk baitu ko laling.. pasal tu sonang ko dapat lumbutkan ati zantung owang taim ko basakap :))) kulgettttttttttttttttt wakwakwak
Hahahahahahaahahahhahaha lalinggggggggggggggggggggg *Lols
/me pingsan tawa
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