
Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Teddybears, Here I Come!

On the mission to “appreciate the little details” – then here I am again. Speaking for the teddybears in this whole wide world. *giggles. I don’t have to prove much my friend. I just realized that there is this one tissue box pattern by Kleenex actually made my “saving the teddybears” a realistic mission.

My sister pulled the last piece from the box on the dining table and took the box and showed me, “See it’s the last piece” – Then I said, “Wait, don’t dump the box!!”. My sister asked, “Why? what do you need this box for?” “I want the box. I’m on the mission to fight for the teddybears in the whole wide world.” (with this very serious and determined face…trying to hold my giggles). “Really ba?”, asked my sister. And “Yup, the teddies need to be saved.” And with that very curious face, my sister just stared at me trying to find the senses behind my words. “Betul baa?” Then that’s when I burst laughing – with the message. Can you please put your curiosity in the proper place? Hahahahahaahahahaha. Kin ketawa oso my sister that. Yang sia paling malas is when sia nda tahan la ba ketawa. Doiii…a lesson for me is…Please Learn How To Hold Your Laughs – and speaking of the teddies, I know that I’m just a little human being to speak for the all the teddies, and as I’m writing this, suddenly I remember all my teddies – I have not hugged them for a very long time. Maybe before I dream of fighting for all the teddies, I should have really taken care of my OWN teddies. Jangan pula jadi mcm tu peribahasa anak sendiri dibiar-biar, kera di hutan pula disayang-sayang (sengaja sia nda mau guna tu word “disusui” *Lols)…so sedar nda sedar, maybe ada juga tersindir dengan this statement kan. Mungkin kita sendiri pun buat something like this. Bila family minta tolong, mcm2 alasan, tapi kalau itu mandak yang minta tolong, biar la tengah2 malam pun sanggup ba. Naahh…sepa lagi layak dapat perhatian kita? Pikir2 kan la kio… 

P/S: Oh teddybears sekalian, bukan bermakna sia nda mau membela nasib kamurang, tapi sia kena membela dulu nasib teddybears sia tu, then baru la sia layak untuk membela nasib kamurang suma. Buat masa ini, sia serahkan tugas tu kepada pemilik korang tu masing2. Kalau teddybears dorang pun dorang nda ble jaga, sia musykil yang dorang ble jaga dorang punya baju dan seluar dalam. Sekian, terima kasih. 


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