Baru2 tu...one of my close friends sms-ed me. “Do me a favour, help find doorgifts for my school annual party. The budget is RM1 each, for 120 people.” I was like...”RM1 ah? Gotta be kidding me.” But kawan punya pasal, I kept my thoughts very2 silent itu masa. So I came out with mcm2 idea la ni sudah. It’s RM 1 my friends, RM 1!! Not RM2 or anything more than that! Hahahahahahahaha.
So when she finally met me during itu Hari Raya Haji punya cuti, she looked at the samples and took some pictures and mms them to her other friend who is also in charge in the party preparation. Adeii...macam2 baa. Mau itu laa, mau ini laa...siap kana komplen lagi itu sample semua...terlampau berhias la, terlampau besar la, “ini ada tag lagi ka?”, “itu card dia mcamana?”, “Ini apa ni, bambu ka, pensel? Kalau pensel kan bagus” Omigawd...Hahahahahahahahahaha... I don’t mind if anybody is cerewet macam tu, cos I am cerewet also. But...tinguk dulu kira kanan before kau mau cerewet lebih2. We are talking about A DAMN RM1 BUDGET HERE, MY FRIEND! Hahahahahahahahahaahahahahahah. Yang bikin ketawanya, sia rasa tu kawan sia pun terlupa ba tu. Dia punya budget Cuma RM1 saja, tapi dia punya analisa seolah2 RM10 satu ba dia punya budget! You gotta be kidding me!! *Lols.
So I said to her...”Macam ni laa...if you want to give candies like itu org kawin, u guys beli itu uncang, stuff some candies. Abis cerita! Kurang lagi dari RM1 tu ging! Now that’s what I call save budget! Berabis sia ketawa ba. “But you tinguk sana dinding sia tu...ada a few uncang berisi gula2 dari beberapa wedding yg my parents attend. Sepa mau makan itu candies? Teda kan! Kamu buat itu party pun sudah untuk makan macam2, lepas tu kasi hadiah pun makanan lagi. Ada lagi ka org mau makan itu gula2?” I know she didn’t agree that much with me, but she had to nod juga cos tidak mau kasi panjang cerita. “Ya, itu gift candy mcm terlampau biasa sudah ba kan...” (“Yeah...now you’re talking”) *Lols. (Anyway, it’s not about terlampau biasa ka inda...Itu budget ba ging!”
Anyway, sebelum mau jadi begitu cerewet, make sure you have the budget ready for a better idea ba. Ini nasihat untuk semua org yang sedang membaca! Cos I’ll be very pissed kalau u ask lebih2, but your budget sangat ciput...kalau buli mau free lagi ba. You guys are going to make me laugh, big big time!” She knows yang kalau they prepare the gift sendiri, terlampau banyak hassles, terlampau banyak energy dan time terbuang. All they want is to spend the SAME RM1 but without having to lose energy and time! Now you get what I mean? There’s no way kau ble dapat gift yang nice dengan budget mcm tu, UNLESS kau buat sendiri! I mean it!
So last2...she asked me to design a calendar la for that doorgift. I said, “None of you guys tau graphic designing ka?” She said, “Tau...but teda masa ba.” (Damn, I hate it when people ask me to design just because “I teda masa”. They should ask me to design because they think I’m the best graphic designer around or something like that ba!!...Hahahahahahahahaha ) So I said...If kamu pandai design, buat sendiri lorrr.” Balik2 “terkena sebiji” tu kawan sia ba tu ari. Hahahaahahahhaa. My advice is simple, if you ask for my favour, please be very very humble, especially when you present to me a budget as low as RM 1! Kawan tu kawan juga, just don’t belittle your friend’s punya ability dengan permintaan terlampau tinggi, tapi budget inda pula pandai kasi tinggi. Kawan or not kawan, this is a lesson for everyone too.
Anyway, ok laaa...be fair. Don’t underestimate the value of RM1. Actually...if you’re creative enough, RM1 is sufficient for a nice and thoughtful doorgift. But if you’re not creative enough to think of something to match the budget, at least you give credit to the people who have that creativity to help you. Fair Enough? *giggles.
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