
Sunday, July 8, 2012

256's July Journal Day 8: The Great Woman By Your Side

I was surprised to hear the cases where the husband, whose wife is so beautiful, yet obedient and loyal to him, is still not grateful enough. I wonder if these men can see how these women are dedicating their whole life just for their dear husbands. Bearing his babies and then raise them, while the husband still seeks pleasure, having affair with other woman not even half like his wife. Whatever you say the issues are, the neverending marital and relationship problems that have become very common, I’m just wondering if the man had tried hard enough to be the best man for the wife. Coming across these few women, whose fate as such, I just continue to wonder what has come to the men to still be looking for someone else when the one that was rightfully theirs was even envied by other women. And the other men look at these poor women, admire them at first sight. And they wonder the same thing. If only the husband can see it through other man’s eyes – how stupid he is for not seeing his blessing. Relationships will always have ups and downs. Be aware of this. And this is no alien to our flow of life. So when it gets rough sometimes, yes, anger will be triggered, all the bad emotions will take their turn. Sometimes it makes us want to curse our other half because of the anger that overpowers us. We all do that. But deep inside us is totally the opposite. Our love and care for the person, are always there but just overshadowed by the bad times. For all the men out there… Just like we think it’s not easy to locate the right man to date and have relationship with, we are sure you guys also face that difficulty. But when you find a lady who would stand by your side, and who is making effort every step of the way to understand your shortcomings, and appreciate your qualities… Remember that she is also a human being. She might just get on your nerve at times, she might get angry at you too and even shout at you back, but remember that it shouldn’t change her true values. Remember the good times when you decide that she’s the one for you, and how much u adore her for all her gifts and how many times she made you laugh, all that cute sweet moments that she definitely remember so well about you. Cos all her qualities, other guys can see it too but they are not just as lucky as you. Some even envy you to have such a woman. If you lose her you might not find another one. Life is short. Don’t let go off the right woman, especially if u r thinking u might find someone else better than her. That could be your biggest regret for the rest of your life. Men, one of your missions in life is to take care and love the great woman that God has sent to be your other half. Those who complete the mission, the reward must be enormous :)

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