
Thursday, November 5, 2009

When Your Dreams Are A Joke To Others

Nothing is so very ordinary about me. I don’t usually follow the trend. What I want is not always what people want. My way of thinking is also not the same with them. My emotions are different front them. And when it comes to DREAMS, why would I expect them to understand? Yes, knowing that I am different and unique to begin with, it’s predictable that I’m going to do it differently from most people.

Same with you, my friends. You are unique and extraordinary too. It’s a struggle to have a mind of your own and stick with it for the rest of your life. Life is sometimes mocking at us for being different. Life is something tempting us to change our ways so that we can live peacefully without having people questioning and doubting in us.

Come to think about it, what about all this, anyway? Why do we need their approval to achieve our dreams? They don’t share the same dream and then don’t HAVE to share the same dreams because we are born with different purposes in this life.

I take myself as a good example. I always take strange measures. I would say, not what the majority would go for. But I don’t just do this to be a hero. This is THE BEST I can do after years of self-finding. It’s not a short time for me to finally do it this way. I decided that my life is empty all the years when I tried to please others and did what they wanted me to do, made them see what they wanted to see. I realize that it’s not what I want. I need to find the real purpose of myself. With all the gifts that I’m given by God, I’M SURE there is a reason why He gives me all this. He wants me to use my gifts. And I can’t do it if I try to live other people’s dreams.

So when I make a certain decision to move towards my dreams, a lot of people are skeptical. They are very doubtful and some of them even think it was a joke. They become the jury even before I started anything. They only listen and already they want to laugh. If you think I don’t know what it feels like when someone laughs at your dreams, you’re are wrong. You can say that I have been hearing laughter all my life, and still hearing it – just slower now. But I don’t let that stop me. You ask me why? Because my dreams are bigger than all that. I don’t have the time to blame them why are they doubtful. I think I understand. They are just being normal and typical people. I can’t blame them. I’m sorry that I have to just stick with this laughingstock dream, if that’s what they call it.

These people are nothing near perfection too. I’m sorry to say that these people and I are no difference. But if they are in the position to slow me down, I’m so sorry cos I’m not buying. If they think their freaking mouth is all I need to crush my dream after everything that I’ve done and been through, they gonna make me laugh, BIG TIME.

Until this time, I am still trying to make them believe that this dream is REAL. My dream is REAL and achievable. But I don’t care that much actually. It’s not about them believing in my dreams. It’s just between me and my dream. IT’S NOT ABOUT THEM. IT’S ABOUT ME. If I fail or succeed, nothing to do with them.

So if you ask me, HOW to handle this pressure when your own relatives or friends don’t believe in your dreams? My advice is, just move forward and survive this. We are going to teach them a lifetime lesson. How? Just achieve your dreams and BE HAPPY. This alone will do the rest for you. Maybe they will feel slapped or embarrassed. We don’t know. Because when it comes to our dreams, it’s about US. Not them. What we know, our dreams make us happy and content.

The Best Revenge Is To Show Them That We Can Reach Our Dreams.

So now, we are on a mission people. Don’t bother about them.

It’s OUR dream. Not Theirs.

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