
Thursday, November 5, 2009

Crush At Work: Just When You Least Expect It

I received a phonecall by my bestfriend a few days ago. She just went back from a work trip from KL.

She: Help me!!!!

256: What happen?

She: I thought that this thing only happened back in schooldays. I never thought that when I already have a child and husband, someone still has a crush on me. It was ridiculous and so unthinkable.

256: Who is he?

She: My BOSS!!!!

Then I went, “What??”

Everytime I go out with my bestfriend, she often talks about a guy workmate. This guy always partners her to do field work. She always says something funny about the guy. His belly is bulging lah, he’s go bikin geli la…dan macam2 lagi. Hahahaahahahaha. Yes, for years, my friend seems to get stuck with this guy. He’s always the one she talks about. She never forgets to mention that she’s NOT interested with him. Furthermore, he is also married. But even if he’s not married, my friend can never imagine being romantically involved with him. Okay enough. But this guy ISN’T her boss. I understand right away WHY my bestfriend was shocked when her boss, who is seldom appear in her mind enough to talk about, is having a crush on her for ALL THE YEARS they have been working together. Omigawd!!!

She: You know that I often talk about my guy colleague, right? I never even mention about my boss because he’s not even in the picture. I don’t even have the reason to talk about him. During the last trip to KL, he sat beside me during flight. He told me everything that he has always cared and “loved” me. That’s why he always backs me up. He also shares with me the profit of the projects that we worked on. I never think that there’s something behind all that. When he backs me up, I thought that it was his responsibility. When he shares profit, I thought that it was because I contributed a great deal in it. I almost choked when he confessed his feelings to me. He said, “I’m only telling you this not I don’t expect anything. Just for you to know that if you weren’t married, I would want to marry you.”

256: Hahaahahahaahahahahahahahaha. Now that is starting to sound funny.

She: Now that he has confessed to me, what did he expect? Now I am feeling so awkward being around him. He gives me that look as if he wants an answer. Damn it!! What does this guy want?? WHAT SHOULD I DO?? Then the irritating 256 started to give her advice. (Hahahahahaha)

256: Gini laa…I think you have to be professional la dalam hal ni. Remember he said that he doesn’t expect anything, right? So just take it as conversation, heart to heart sharing, and if he has a crush on you, well, now you know, then it’s time to move on. Don’t have to get too affected by it. Cos if you do, it will only affect your work. And if you put your work above that, I’m sure you can let it pass as fast as possible. Just take it as a friendly joke. You have nothing to offer and having a crush on someone is beyond any laws. He can feel anything he wants. But yet, it’s up to you how to take it. To let it affect your work certainly not worth it. A confession is a confession. It’s just a statement. You have nothing to lose…but…maybe something to gain. *Evil grinz. (*Lols)

She: Yes, I don’t like this awkward feeling. But I also don’t want to lose all the projects that we are working on.

256: Then maybe you can benefit from this!!

She: Hahahaahahahaha. Yes, that sounds evil but I think I’m going to do just that.

256: Okay, then this discussion is done! Haahahahahaha.


Betul juga apa my friend said. We thought benda2 macam ni hanya terjadi masa zaman2 sekolah. Sepa sangka time kerja pun benda ni jadi? Yang paling menghairankan, macamana my kawan boleh tidak sedar benda tu selama ini? I think boss dia pun langsung tidak show ba that. My friend ni pun kelam kabut juga orangnya macam sia. Macam2 dalam pikiran dia. Dan sia rasa sia pun kalah kalau sama dia ni. Sebab tahap kecelaruan pikiran dia sudah tahap gaban. (Hahahaahahahahahaahahaha) So maybe it’s normal when dia tidak begitu sedar hal2 macam tu. Tapi kepada si boss yang ada crush sama kawan sia ni…emm…Normal la ba tu kan? Mungkin dia suka tinguk professionalisme kawan sia ni kalau dalam bab2 kerja ni. Whatever the reason is, this isn’t a new thing ba kan? Sudah balik2 sia tulis hal ni dalam blog sia ni. Crush2 ni teda rules ba. Biar la bapa urg ka, datuk urg kan, kalau kau suka, kau suka jua tu. Then, when it happens in the workplace…still predictable to me.

When someone has a crush on you, it’s like having appreciation for the person you have become. It’s really not a bad thing. So if you can make it work for you, WHY NOT?.



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