
Sunday, November 1, 2009

Break-Ups: Why Did It Hurt So Much?

Breaking updoes sound like a sad thing – something is broken, and that “something” is your heart. It becomes really cliché to me now because I think we have not gotten hold of the real reason why did it hurt so much after a breakup. Maybe if we know WHY exactly we felt deeply hurt, maybe we can tackle it. Maybe all this is just an exaggeration. I don’t know yet. Let’s find out. 

Why did we feel so deeply hurt? Was it because… 

1.You feel like you don’t have someone special who loves you anymore? 

2.You still miss him but you have no right of missing him? 

3.The good memories are slicing your flesh inch by inch? 

4.You hate to think that he’s going to hold another girl, the same arms that once held you? 

5.You gave all your love to him but you thought you didn’t deserve this break up? 

6.You felt like you’ve been used all this time? 

7.You felt like you have just received the biggest rejection by someone you once loved? 


Do you still love him???? 

I don’t know what your answer is. I just want to tell you guys that maybe I’ve been through something like that too. It doesn’t matter what my answer to it back then, cos the ENDING is the same. It’s Pathetic. 

After it was all over, though it was pretty tough at first, but I got through it. The worst thing about grieving over a breakup is the feeling of stupidity in the end. WHY did I cry for someone like that? Seriously. After I mix with more people, see more of this life, you’ll know what I’m talking about. I regretted my time crying over one person who wasn’t worth it. I mean, if he’s worth it to begin with, that relationship should have worked even how bumpy the road is. There are many many more wonderful people I can meet outside HIS world. Look at you, you are THAT worthy. You can get anyone better and you deserve someone better. 

I’m sorry if a freaking breakup make me a selfish person. I’m sorry if a freaking breakup make me invincible. I’m sorry if a freaking breakup make me heartless. I’m sorry if a freaking breakup makes it hard for me to fall in love again. See that? Break ups can result a NEW you. Cos I believe, this new version of you after a breakup, is not exchangeable with anything else. Whatever comes from you next is going to be a smart thing because to me, breakups only make us a better person. 

Maybe breaking up isn’t as much hell as we thought all this while.


ulal said...

kalo yg nda dapat lupakan bakas kekasihnya tu buli lah gantung leher kat pukuk tumatu wakwakwak...kalo lah ibu bapa kamurang dapat rasa isi ati zantung kamurang ,kompom paling kana luka iyalah "parents" baitu wahai pambaca kawan2 sia :)))
so... kalo sdah break .. banyakkan masa dekat sama tuhan masing2 dan berdoa lah utk ibubapa masing2 ...kompom ibubapa N pemily adalah "ubat" yg paling mujarap wakwak .. kalo nda percaya ...belanja jak sia minum kupi .. leh sia sambung ni situry nasihat wakwak

/me guyang2 kaki sambil besiul2 wakwak ~~~peace~~~

Twofivesix256 said...

Aiks...dia minta belanja duluan wooo baru mau sambung...ehehehehehe

Yaa laling...betul jua apa kau cakap tu kan. :)) *hugs