Then what intrigued me after that, is when this scenario of excessive As was actually starting to get more attention from the “not-so-young- generations, where they had to go through all the difficulties to go to school, getting scolded by the vicious teachers and got canned on every undone homework- not to mention strict parents who have high expectation or maybe, not-so-strict but generous parents who would give you some RM20 for every A. Yeahh…those days when the A is NOT so common. I remember, after the success of Nor Amalina struck the nation, it raised doubts from the older people. “Are the kids really smarter?” I followed one forum that discussed about it and they received many phonecalls. It was very interesting to find out what the public thinks about the scenario of excessive As. Actually, without watching the forum on TV, I would not be that judgmental towards the bright kids. I mean, it’s not so hard to predict when the world is getting more and more exposure to easy learning, high-tech gadgets and even the internet – that can make learning so much easier. With these things around, how could we expect the kids to perform Worse than us?
I remember hearing some extra news about Amalina’s straight As achievement. She even took the language paper, was it French? And a few others minor subjects that most of us might not even know their existence in the SPM subject list. So according to this extra news which I forgot the exact source, the chances of getting A for the subjects that only have very few candidates are very high. It’s like you get the upper hand of adding more As to your result if you are smart enough to pick the unpopular subjects, that have the potential of getting only has 2 to 3 students who are sitting for them. It’s like, you don’t need to be so good in those subject, as long as you know some and the rest know less as shown in the exam paper, you could just get awarded another A. Yeah, it was what they said la.
Then after hearing stories like that, now I understand where all that doubts come from. The older generations think that the kids are getting EASY A, and no wonder their results are very good. And are these kids That Good, anyway? My youngest brother sat for SPM a few years ago and he got quite a number of A1. His English is one of them. Then I remember sneaking to read the essay that he wrote to apply for a scholarship, and the essay was in English. My oh my…he made the silliest mistakes like the word knowledge as knowledges and some other funny mistakes. Yeah, it could be TYPO like I always do here in my blog, but it was handwritten so no excuse for typo. Small mistakes like that is inexcusable for an A1 achiever in English. Then I went, “Ouch, you get A1 for your English and you still write like that?” I told him to correct the mistakes because it would leave a bad impression. Oh come on, you are an A1 achiever in English, so why should we expect less from you? Then I come to realize that, They Could Be True. These kids might NOT be that smart after all. In my days, those A1 achievers must be among those who speak standard English fluently. Flukes seldom happen. Like, the so-so English like Twofivesix[256] has ahh…no way laaa can get A1. (*Lols. Jaat!!!)
The A for the younger kids are not the same A in our days. Is it the mistake of the system or what? At the end of the day, let’s not focus on A alone, shall we? I mean, you guys know my stand already. There is no grade that can really classify how much your knowledge is. And all the grades can do is trying to put a label to your level of – how good can you answer the exam paper- but the grades will remain grades until you make use of that knowledge to perform and deliver in the job market. So if there’s something wrong about this, what can be done? The bad news is, if this thing goes on and on, the A is losing its value. Does it matter anyway? I think it does matter. I believe that back in our days, we won’t allow ourselves to be given A if we are not so good in that subject. I mean, that’s how we honour A grade. It’s a symbol of –you’ve studied so hard so you deserve it- and it’s not – you could still get it if you’re lucky- OH COME ON…
Okay, back to the subject in hand. Anyway, I do think that the kids deserve to be smarter than us. I mean, it’s UNFAIR for US for them to still be like us when they have all the facilities helping them to learn faster and easier. They MUST be smarter, like it or not. And in a way, I actually BELIEVE that they are smarter than us, regardless of the excessive As. Or maybe the excessive As issue is still arguable, but that doesn’t change the fact that they are actually MORE knowledgeable than us when we were their age. They Should.
This little incident at least forced me to believe so. I talked to my little cousin, she was in primary 1 then. She even toyed with me with some Chinese words and made me guess what those words mean in Malay. My goodness. Okay, that’s not the worst part. She has actually learnt how to use computers in that tender age of 7 years old. I mean, hey, I learnt my first computer lesson when I was 17 laa! My goodness. Then she went to show off the English words that she knows, and when she came to the word “Vegetable” – she pronounced it wrongly. Then I corrected her. She said, NO, mine was right.” Omigawd, she’s not only smart, but also defensive! I wonder what would she become when she’s my age. I mean, I am already this smart and scary to some people I know. (Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahhahahahahahahahaha. Kidding guys! Gotcha! :PPP)
So, what’s the verdict? Let them win la. Yes, you kids are smarter. You better be. Imagine what would this world be when we hand it to the less smart generation? This earth needs the younger people to be smarter. So, I don’t actually care if you guys are smarter or not, but you MUST be smarter than us. *big grinz. Hahahahahahaha
(Psttt…ala, we can rest la like that. Let the kids to the work for this world la, ok ka? Hahahahaha. They are smarter, remember? *Lols)
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