Luckily, because of the chat, I actually remembered a few things that I did when I was in primary school. This gonna be very funny and cute. Are you people ready? Hahahahaha
Believe it or not, when I was just in Primary 1 or 2, I actually gave half of my pocket money to another friend who said to me that her mom never gave her pocket money to school? It was because of a little sharing with me about how hard her life was, I had decided to give half of my pocket money to her EVERYDAY!! I remember that by the time I got down from the school bus, I was looking all over for her so that I could give her some money. It became a routine for me and YES! I still remember it to this day but I could not understand why I was being that nice and generous!!! My goodness!!! And, I never told anybody about that because I didn’t want her to feel embarrassed. I tell you people, I come from a struggling family so money didn’t come easy for me, for sharing it like I have half the asset of the universe. *Lols. I mean, I was not even in the position to help another kid when I myself actually needed that kind of help. (*Lols. Hahahahahahaha) But the “charity” thingy came to end when I found out that she actually had pocket money on her own. I remember that I didn’t feel cheated and I didn’t ask her to explain- I just assumed that she was being true to me at the time she told me that she didn’t have pocket money. I assumed that after a while, her parents actually starting to give her money. *giggles. (I mean, that thought is soooo cute, Twofivesix[256]. AWFULLY cute!! *Lols.)
Another thing. I was a kid who liked to play. I was the hyper kid who loved to run around for no reason. *Lols. You guys remember the Rubberband game (Main getah) *Lols. The game about who could jump over the rubber. It’s not exactly jumping over the rubberbands, if you can get one of your legs to that height (while two of your friends are holding each end), you could actually manage to get both legs over it. So it’s how the game is played. The one who could jump the most height is considered the winner. So this is the game that I played back in primary school. I was considered good in that game actually. *grinz. (*Lols). Okay, because I was so hyper, the recess time was too short for me. I didn’t have time to eat!!! Hahahahahahaha. So whenever my mom or my dad prepared food for me to bring to school, I was worried they would find out that I didn’t have time to eat my food. So what I did was, I actually ASSIGNed one of my friends to EAT my meal!!! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahaha. I had a friend that time, who would not mind to eat my meal because for her, the recess time is a time to eat, so she thought she should spend the time to eat and by me offering her my meal, she got to eat more and maybe save some money too. And what happen to the hyper kid jumping over the rubberbands?? (*Lols). I was too busy showing off my skills that I didn’t have time to eat. I remember that I became worried when that friend of mine was “feeling full” and she said, “I’ll think about it” when I reminded her about eating my meal. Hahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahhaahahhaahahahahahahhahaha. My Goodness! This is making me laugh like crazy. Omigawd, isn’t that cute? Duiii giaa…I want to say thanks to my wonderful parents who always tried to prepare new dishes for me to bring to school that time. I think that they don’t have to know that I have been asking my friend to eat the meal. With the kind of obsession that I have towards foods now, I actually miss all the meals that my parents prepared for me that time. Hahahahahahaahahahahahahahahaha. Lurvee my mom, Lurvee my dad. Muahsss. *giggles.
Don’t you see it, guys? Our childhood memories are the pieces of us that we could have forgotten. I might not be generous now, but my childhood told me that I was once a kid with quiet a big heart. It’s just so interesting to see how we see things as a kid, and how we do things according to our innocent little mind. Coming to the ending part of this post, I realize another thing. I was actually so carefree back then. I didn’t think so much like now. I mean, I may have something to be grateful for with this habit of “thinking too much” but it’s because of Not thinking too much back in primary school, made me excel so well in studies that time. But guess what, I’m not gonna feel sorry for being who I am today. And as for being the kid I was… I Lurveeeeeeeeeeeee that tiny hyper kid. Muahsss to the kid I once was.
More to come, maybe. Erkss.
tuss teringat sia taim budak2 wooo.. masa sikulah randah.. sia nda pena bawa luit baitu p sikul ... nda sarapan pun nda jua gestrik .. eran jua sia .. kali ada blessing baitu kan :)) waktu tu sia jadi tukang bili makanan baitu utk kawan pompuan dalam kelas sia .. ada laitu beberapa pompuan minta tulung sia bilikan makanan .. pastu ada laitu bahagian sia d kaseh .. gitu laitu kenangan sia waktu kisi hehehe..
mom sia masukkan sia p sikul cina,bkan sia pandai belajar tu.. asal mom sia amik rutan manyuruh mambaca buku .. tuss sia baca laitu "ti ti lai, lai lai lai, lai pai chew " <-- dr darjah satu sampai darjah anam .. ni beberapa ayat jak laini sia bacakan utk mom sia wakwkkakwkakaaa sampai mom sia pun pandai sudah menghafal tu ayat lolz pa buli buat..kalo nda mambaca.. kompom buhuz kana laitu lasing haha.. skali sia keja sdah kan... sia pun kastau lah sama mom sia pasal sia manipu belajar tu .. mom sia sodih juga dan lucu juga rasanya .. sib bek :))
kalo sia ingat balik arrr .. kosian juga mom sia yg nda pena p sikulah ni bah.. tapi d sebalik kosian tu .. basar basar sdah jua anak2 nya :))
duii giaaaaaa :))) /me hugsss my jojon. Jan ba crita gitu dear, nanti me nangis lagi that. Hehehehe.
Sama la ba mama bapa kita tu dear, manada skul dorang tu :) tapi dapat jua kasi besar anak...syukurrr betul.
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