
Friday, October 9, 2009

"Family Comes First"

People often speak about the importance of FAMILY. People speak of it way too often that you start to get tired and sick of it. It’s almost overrated, you thought. FAMILY consists of your mom, dad and siblings. But not all families are in the right category to be “praised” or lifted to that height that it’s almost an invincible institution. In fact, there are terms dedicated to describe that breakdown of this institution that people can even come up with terms like “Broken family. So Family doesn’t always bring the “good thing” to someone’s mind. Some families DON’T work.

I am not here to preach about why or how a family can meet the criteria of a wrecked family, cos you see, you don’t perform a ceremony to announce people that, “Hey, this group of people and myself are officially a family!” Nope. Familyship isn’t like wedding. When two people got married and have children, they are FAMILY from day one. So, when you don’t actually have a legal formality to follow just to “be a family”- then do you agree with me that this is a bond that is UNBREAKABLE?

Straight to the point. I want to tell you guys something. Actually, Family Comes First – isn’t overrated at all. It’s actually the purest thing that holds the most naked truth about us being alive. Keep reading. I have a point here.

We saw how some people are putting their families above all else. You thought these people are overreacting. You thought that people should sometimes put their ambition first, or their romantic love, or their hobbies first. Anything but FAMILY. Why is that? Because they thought that chances for other things don’t come always. And why should you give too much priority to your family when they will ALWAYS AND STILL BE THERE after you are done pursuing other matters in your life? Yes, that thought is predictable. I once had that kind of thought too. But here I am, mending my ways and I want to spread this news to all of you.

Sometimes we got too obsessed with our lovers or certain friends that keep us excited – to the extent that we forget our family for a while. Maybe because you thought they will ALWAYS BE THERE. Imagine when you were alone and very lonely, hoping that at least one special person would ring or SMS you and make you smile again. You waited and waited like forever, to no avail. You felt so devastated. You felt like nobody wanted or loved you. Nobody is thinking about you. They might be very busy enjoying their own lives. You waited for the whole day and your phone never rings. Finally, your phone rang. You looked at the screen, it’s either your DAD or MOM. That little magic would tell you that when you get so obsessed with your relation with other people, they don’t actually care or think about you that much. In fact, they don’t even think you’re worthy of a single SMS or call – And when this thing happens again and again- it’s always your Mom and Dad who keep appearing on the phone screen. That time, you would realize that thought you are so fond of abandoning them from your priority, they never abandon you. My point is – FAMILY IS THE BEST COMPANION YOU HAVE in this life.

This is my most important point in this post. Please read. The most loss that you can ever be responsible for is when you choose NOT to be with your family, thinking that they will always be there for you. You are too busy pursuing your career, and when you are done and ready to go back to your root, you realize that your full happy family isn’t full anymore. You might have lost the BEST figures in your family along the way. Then you look at their pictures, you realize that “How come I have not spent so much time with them when they are still here?”

You guys know that since I was in secondary school, I lived away from home. I know what I’m talking about. I wasn’t a family person – even my friends thought so. I enjoyed being away from home actually. I thought I got my freedom. I was right. But I shouldn’t be too obsessed about it. It brought me only nothing much. But until last Christmas, finally I got to spend the Christmas nite eating together with my family. That time I realize that NO WONDER I never felt happy during my Christmas. I never realized that spending time together, eating and laughing, watching each other’s face – is actually the moments that make your heart smiling. That moment, I felt so silly to never spend all the Christmas experiencing that moment. It’s only with them that I get to experience the FULLNESS like never before. There’s nothing like family bond.

My readers… If you have a choice to be near your family, DO IT. Don’t opt to stay away from family just because you think you want to prove something or be a hero. NO. Unless it’s an obligation, then maybe you have to go with a heavy heart. This world is just temporary. Don’t miss your chance to “look” at your family, WHO ARE the people in it and HOW they look like. These people LOVE you regardless your looks, wealth and manners. And THEY DON’T LAST FOREVER. They are also like you. Their lives are only temporary. YOU MUST…YOU MUST…experience this FAMILY that God gave you.

It’s one of the greatest pleasures we can give ourselves. Trust me.

You Can Lose A Friend and get a replacement anytime. But You can never substitute your family for anyone ever. Family Should Come First.

NOTE: That’s why when I heard someone is always finding the excuse to work miles away from home, or pursue studies overseas when they can do it here – I always PITY them. Cos your family susah senang, sakit sihat, u langsung tidak tau. U tidak nampak bila dorang melompat kegirangan bila dapat satu kejayaan, or you tidak dapat ketawa dengar joke dorang yg paling funny. Teda orang pernah bagitau sia ni semua. But now sia bagitau u guys so you now know. Diorang ni la HARTA kita yg tidak boleh ditukar ganti.

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