
Thursday, October 7, 2010

New word for today: FRENEMY

"Do you have girlfriends that bully you? Are they mean to you and gossip behind your back? Do you have any female coworkers who have been mean to you because of the way you look, your weight, the way you mother? Have you lost your ability to trust other women because of some of the "mean" friends you have allowed in your life? Did you have a horrible high school or college experience due to a group of "frenemies?" Do you have any "friends" that bully you? Have you ever felt helpless watching your daughters friends/classmates exclude her or be mean to her? Do you watch your daughter bullied by other girls and you don?t know what to do?"

So Frenemy is a combination of Friend and Enemy, which means a Friend on the surface, but an enemy behind. In other words, this is just a short form of Toxic friends like I have blogged before. I'm sure we have a few of them. And maybe, we are also a Frenemy to a few of our friends. Go figure :)


Anonymous said...

"Great submit & Fantastic blog! I'd definitely love to begin a weblog too but I have no clue where to begin. I possess the ability to do it (not that challenging on the technical portion) but I actually feel like I'm too lazy to submit regularly. That is the problem, in the event you start you have to go all the way. However blogs like yours inspire me to have a go at it. "

Twofivesix256 said...

Glad to hear that pal :))