
Friday, October 22, 2010

Beautiful Blogger Award Tagged by Wyne Ren

First I would like to thank sis Wyne Ren for this tag. This is one tag that makes any lady feels good. *giggles. Okay, together with this tag, I have to share 7 things about myself. Aha, let me make this an interesting one. After more 700 sthing posts in this blog, I bet I am still quite anonymous. I can write about anything random and still makes you guys went, Oh, Really? *giggles. Okay lets do it.

1. I am a Science stream graduate and my job now has NOTHING to do with my highest certificate. What else can you imagine a Rebellious Child will do? Hahaha. If I were not a Rebellious Child, what would my career be now? I bet I would be a Teacher. The rest of my friends who were taking the same course, all ended up a teacher. I could say to people that I am not interested, but the fact is that – I just don’t have the talent to do it. My career now is THE BEST there is for me because I can fully utilized my ability to the max. Thank Lord!

2. If you ask me What’s the best thing that I like to see when I look at the mirror? Okay keep it simple. My Smile. *giggles.

3. If you ask me What’s the best compliment that I would appreciate the most from other people? Is it when they say I’m sweet? Cute? Or what? The answer is… when they say I’m Smart. I think that at least my hyper brain gets some appreciation. hehe.
4. If you ask me whether or not I notice that I am such a Hyper person, oh COME ON. Of course I do. How I talk. How I think. How I write. I am all Hyper. The most irritating thing is when I talk. I talk like a train and sometimes the train doesn’t reach the destination. I always come halfway and decided to stop and say, Nevermind, forget about it. Hahahaha. Okay, you can blame that on my hyper mind because in the middle of talking, I just realize that it’s not going to end so soon so why don’t end it there. Hahahahahahha :P

5. One of priceless possession is… MY babyBLOG!!! Omigawd! Hahahahaa. All the days when I didn’t visit it, I felt so devastated inside. I knew there was sthing wrong with my day. When I didn’t update it for quite a while, I felt so bad inside. It’s like leaving a little cute baby at home while I go on vacation. Only when I get back to the routine of updating my blog often, I feel like my schedule is in place and my focus is not far distracted from the right track. Hehehe. Muahss my babyblog.

6. If I were to come up with 1 word to best describe me, what would it be. Good question. The word is COMPLICATED. I don’t think you can ever understand me 100% because I am just complicated. I own a few characters which are opposite to each other, for example I easily laugh but that’s how easily I cry. I can be the most patient person and I am also the most restless person who gets mad when I have to wait for people. So you can never understand me, and maybe you don’t have to understand me. If you have to live with me for the rest of your life, all you can do is find a way to react to me because although I have a strong personality, I have a very soft heart and it’s not hard to make me happy. Oh that’s sweet. *giggles.

7. What would be my best virtue that I appreciate in a man? The answer is His Loyalty. The reason why I say this is because it's also the best thing that I will offer him. There isn't a need to trust, to care or to love when the heart that should receive them is not where it should be. This is why Loyalty is very important to me. I only want what I can give so trust me I don't ask for too much actually. *giggles.

I believe that EVERYONE is beautiful in their own way. I honestly believe in that. When we could not see it, it's because we judge too fast and we don't know people that well yet. God is good. God is fair. It's our job to appreciate what we have and identify our strength and use it to make the best life. Yeah, I believe in that.

I hope I do this tag justice. *giggles. I am not so sure who to tag because if I try to tag 5, I feel that I will let down the rest who are also as beautiful in their own way. So why not you my lovely readers, do this tag so that you can tag your beautiful friends too since and let them spill 7 beans about themselves like we did...*giggles. Have fun! :)

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