Do you guys know that I lurvee gossips? Gossips are defined by Google as "casual or unconstrained conversation or reports about other people, typically involving details that are not confirmed as being true". So gossips means speculations. Could be true and could be not. If they are not true, no one should snap cos Hey, we are talking about gossips here! Even raw hearsay and plain rumours can be big gossips too. I'm sorry to the celebrities whose lives are subject to gossips because being public figures do come with a price. People want to know about you. People like to speculate and tell something sensational. The bad news is that a lot of people's lives depend on gossip - yeah because it's gossips that make their magazines and newspapers sell like hot cakes. So you know GOSSIP is not a small industry. It's as big as can be. I don't know why I like gossips. Like I tell you before. The kind of website or blog that I first visit when I have the time is Entertainment Gossips. I like to read gossips about the famous people's private lives and how they are behind the scene. Although I might not know about the latest movies or songs, but I do read gossips about them. Maybe I take one funny way to learn something. It's just me that like to analyze people. I do it everyday. And I just can't stop. I want to do it on the celebrities too. *Lols. Maybe because gossips are very interesting. The thoughts they lead to then how anxious and curious you become to know and guess what the truths are. Yeah, that's if you will ever get lucky to get hold of the TRUTH. Hahaha. I make this little announcement here because from now on I will share with you "This Side Of Me" that any gossip that I feel interesting, whether they are new or not, I will put in my blog. I am not sure if you guys gonna like it, but please remind me that this is my blog so pretend to like it even if you don't. Hahahaha. Thanks for visiting. Muahss.
psst housewife enjoy gossip the most because that was their only entertainment back in the older days.
Then again even in today's world it has become part of their life.
hope someday, someone will gossip us oo kan 256. "wah yesterday kan and the day before kan, i saw si anu kan with 256 have a date oo tengok wayang pigang tangan sambil tangan yg lain pigang popcorn" hauauahuhua
ngam tu kalau kana gosip tu macam..
i likes kono
Hahahahahahahahahah si wine ni kan... mcm celebrity pula mcm tu ah wine... ada kunu urg ambil gambar lagi ba kunu kan... hahahahaha. Merasa jua jadi celebrity kejaps... *Lols /me pasik pipi si wine hehehe
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