
Friday, March 19, 2010

In The Same-Sex World Of Their Own

The scenario of someone attracted to the same sex person is not that unheard anymore. We speak too much of gays and lesbian and homosexuals and what not. I have written about this topic before. I said We shouldn’t blame them. They DON’T want that to happen too if they can do it the normal way. I said that No one would pick to fall in love with someone from the same sex. But now I am not sure if I still agree with that statement. Are you sure that people don’t do it For Fun? Are you sure that the Same-Sex attraction is not to be blamed on genetic or anything natural? Why it becomes like A Trend? Why does it start to sound like Experimental? Or Adventure? Seriously. I think this scenario is worsening.

Are you surprised when I say that the common reason why people who are not born lesbians/gays become one because they fail to have a proper relationship with a partner from the opposite sex?

Is it acceptable to you when those who lose faith in the opposite sex might just turn to the same sex to get the dose of affection and attention? So is Heartache an enough reason to be One Of Them in this same sex sexuality world? It’s definitely easier. I know one girl who had it enough with guys. From being sexually abused when she was a child to failed relationships with different guys. She quit hoping for a better man. She then tries out with some tomboy and simply share bed with the knowledge of the parents since that they thought it was innocent. I know it’s not as innocent as her parents think. This girl is still very young to know her conducts. From the way she talked about becoming a lesbian, I can tell she’s very enlightened to become one and very much into the sexual too. Becoming a lesbian looks like a fun option to her. You go out with a female. You can share bed without your parents questioning so much. You can have fun all you like without the risk of getting pregnant. If you ask her if she is born with the tendency to be romantically involved with the same sex, she has a clear answer. But now SHE CHOOSES to try out same sex relationship because of the heartache. Now you see that if this can happen to her, a similar thing can happen to many girls out there. I just want to let you guys see how this is becoming like a trend. For many reasons, when the girls fail to have a proper relationship with a guy, they make this Same Sex relationship as an option. I have read the same thing from men. When they are frustrated with the opposite gender, they turn to the same gender. Can we just let this thing happen and make this world go berserk?

I’m not here to give the verdict or to try and correct anything. It’s your sexuality, it’s your freedom. If you’re cursed with the tendency to only get attracted with the same sex, maybe there’s not much u can do. But in the case when you make this same sex relationship an experiment or escapade, nobody can tell u otherwise because u have the power to your own life and body. The only thing I’m concerned is when you do it because you lose faith in love. I think it’s such a weak reason to becoming another freak of the same sex world. I think that you’re making your life more complicated that way. If things don’t work out, relax and enjoy your singleness. Why the rush? Love will happen again when it’s time. You people make the rest of them think that this world is short of love and compatible people that you can share proper relationship with. It’s NOT true. My last line would be – If you can have a normal proper life, why choose to have it differently?

It doesn’t have to be more complicated than it already is :) Think about it.

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