So sempat lagi I touched up my hair again – and I stuff itu crystal oil dalam itu beg plastik yang I will take to work. I kasi masuk tu iron rambut sekali, and sia punya little bag yang ada isi compact powder and all the lipsticks berhambur di meja. I just scoop everything masuk tu beg and toss it masuk tu beg plastic sekali. Sia lari turun bawa mau buat my sandwich. Today sia mesti buat tu sandwich sebab sia sudah beli semua dia punya bahan2 – nanti nda pasal2 kempunan pula, nah sepa susah. Heheheheheh. So sia pi goreng tu beef lagi untuk kasi inti and then wash the lettuce and tomatoes – actually itu lebih kepada burger ba tu tapi sia nda jumpa tu bun burger kemarin then I just bought itu bread yang size dia bigger than usual. Punya la kelam kabut kerja sia. Terabang sana sini lagi tu semua barang2 yang sia pigang, termasuk la yang sia masak. Sia main hambur2 saja tu sos and sos thousand island and putung lagi tu bread tiga segi sebab sia punya container nda muat. *Lols. And then since I made 2 sandwiches, tidak muat lagi tu container. U guys know what I do? I paksa juga masuk and then impit dia pakai tu tutup. Biar la terbuka-buka sikit. Lols. Sebab if I left tu extra di sana, teda org akan makan tu. Sebab my mom tidak akan makan makanan “tidak sihat” mcm tu ba. *Lols.
So kelam kabut sudah sia kasi masuk semua tu barang2 dalam beg sia and ready sudah mau jalan, kali tinguk sia sedar sia punya hphone teda di beg. Sia lari lagi naik atas dan mimang ada tu hphone sebelah bantal sia. Argghhh...mimang chaotic ba. Mana lagi sia nda sempat2 tinguk cermin, and then sia cincai2 ja apply the foundation on my face. Asal ja sia nda nampak mcm org baru bangun cukupla!!! hahahaha
Then masa dalam kereta, sia check my plastic bag. My crystal oil tumpah ba~!!!! Punyalah sia mau teriak. Then sia becoming more concerned with my hair di depan, yang looking burnt out ba from the rebonding session less than a week ago. Matai laaa!!! Sia rasa sesak nafas betul dengan kekelam-kabutan sia tu masa. Otak sia berserabut and so so disturbed ba. Mana lagi sia sibuk bercermin tinguk muka sia mcm tu zombie ka inda ni pagi. *Lols.
Then kan...lepas sampai, sia jalan dengan kelam kabut and limpas ni kedai makan ba...yang kebanyakannya adalah working men yang makan sana. Then sia sempat jua jeling sekali and ni satu meja yang ada dalam 5,6 org sedang makan sana, dorang meninguk lagi tempat sia ba. Punya tension sia tu masa sebab sia sudah la kelam kabut mcm tu, ntah apa la yang dorang tinguk tu tersengih sana. Dalam hati sia, entah why sia so so disturbed and I wanted to scream the word "Shut Up" *Lols. Even an extra stare pun sangat disturbing for me tu masa. And then I walked and walked, ada lagi sia dengar whistling. Sia tul2 mau menyumpah sudah sebab sia tul2 tension ba tu masa, especially mengingatkan sia punya crystal oil tumpah dalam beg. I’m having my hormonal dilemma you people, stay away from me!!!! Haahahahaah.
Tadi sia sampai ofis, trying to fix yang berhambur dalam beg, and semua yang sia pegang, semua jatuh and terabang. Punya laaaa sia tension tadi. Sia rasa mau teriak ja sama ni barang2 semua ba, and teriak also to my hands yang sentiasa buat tu barang2 semua terabang. Hahahaha. And then okay2 sudah sia duduk2 sini, datang lagi kawan2 sia yang mau bawa cerita masalah peribadi dorang di awal pagi. Sia tahan hati ja la, and layan jua, but at the same time, sia punya mata di pc, TRYING TO WRITE SOMETHING FOR MY BLOG!!! *Lols. Mana lagi sia pasang tu tv mau dengar tu Malaysia Hari Ini dan Breakfast Show, sia tul2 nda ble concentrate with writing ba. And finally, when I finally get calm, sia make coffee and trying to stuff myself with my sandwiches. Makan sandwich pakai sudu, korang pernah ka? Hahahahaahahahahahahahaha. Still deciding what else to eat, but these sandwiches are sure a good stuff to pamper my hormanal dilemma – it’s the time of the month again, u guys get it? *giggles. Emmmm...the letucce taste soooo gooodddd....
So, I thought of going online to post this blog and spend some time on IRC. So I sms-ed my bro Jojon, I will be around in IRC in any minute, tiba2 a customer datang, an urgent work needed to be done in 1 and a half hour. I felt like screaming ba tu masa. Baru sia kira mau pegi chat and kasi release sikit sia punya stress, then macam tu pula. So I ran lagi pegi beli a few things needed to do the urgent work, with the knowledge I couldn't log in to IRC so I called up my bro and told him “I couldn't go online now. You have fun ah”...actually I was so geram, I tutup mata saja sama my stress tu. It's time constraint, it's my clumsiness, it's my unnecessary anxiety over tiny stuff – Twofivesix[256], you need a therapy or what? *Lols
One thing that I learn from today is – I'm still a beginner in managing my time. My discipline is nothing I can be proud of. It doesn't take a genius my dear, I really need to divide my time wisely and not squeeze all works into one short time frame – It's not realistic and I can blame it all on my hormonal dilemma but I bet – It's as simple as Time Management, my dear self.
Now actually, after all is done, then only I can sit here and post this blog that you're reading now. After all, I still have something to laugh about. My hair that took too much of my attention lately, made the wastage of the crystal oil a big deal. My sandwiches are only half eaten...my nescafe ice is also not finished yet. I guess, I only have the good things waiting for me for the rest of the day. I'm done with all the messy things. Thank you my chaotic Monday. I'm learning something from this already.
I'm glad I decide that smiling is the best to do now.
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