1. The Whistling
I don’t know what you guys are thinking when you whistle as a girl walking by. You think they like it? Guess what? Most of them DON’T LIKE IT. If you think the girls might think it would make them feel more attractive and sexy, they actually think that you guys might do the whistling out of mockery or even worse, just to make them look awkward in public. It makes them feel uncomfortable and if she knows it’s you who are doing it, the next time she saw you, she would avoid from you. It’s the jinx from your whistling. Get it?!
2. The Quick Hands
The quick hands I referred to the guys who don’t wait long to have their hands all over the girls. You think all the girls like it? Guess what? They DON’T! Unless the girls are under certain profession that would list that “the intimate touchings” are among the job list, you guys better get hold of those nasty hands because Not all girls would welcome that. Especially if your hands are not insured, Get a License before you could get your hands on her. Understand?!!! If you’re too quick with your hands, that mean you have been touching many different girls that way too. Girls like to be special and maybe your nasty hands would spoil her impressions on you. Think for your hands dudes!!
3. The Flattering
Girls used to be naïve, but not anymore. Girls sure loved to be flattered. But at the same time, they can tell which is sincere, which is not. “Wah, lawa o kau ni hari.” “Cuteee oo kau punya smile.” (Tapi mata tinguk pigi breast, apa cerita? Hehe) Most guys might think that flattering is an easy way to get the girl’s attention, but Guess What? Free and overdone flattering doesn’t work anymore! As a matter of fact, one thing like that can simply make you “the dumb and lame guy” because flattering is like “the last resort” to the guys who don’t have “bigger things going on in their mind” so they just settle for cheap compliments to an easy catch. Nope, it won’t work that much anymore. The girls say, you can save the flattering, we want something more real than that. Is that bad news or what? *Grinz
4. The Big Spending
Whoaa…whatta misled assumption all this time, right guys? Yes, some generous guys would lavish their girlfriends with gifts and treat them nice meals. I don’t say they don’t appreciate it. They Do appreciate it. They enjoy it, and sometimes are a good show-off point to bring to their friends. But when it comes to a more serious and long term relationship, the big spenders would get bad points from their girlfriends. The girls are smart enough to think that if guys are spending like there’s no tomorrow, they would end up eating sands and rocks. They prefer if you can take them to normal eateries, buy simple things as long as you have big fat bucks in your bank accounts. *Grinz
5. The Sweet Talking
The sweet talking represents the type of candy words that would come out from the guys’ mouth that don’t sound much like flattering like, Oh Baby…How would I live a day without your smile? Yeahhh…those kind of candy words that the guys thought would make the girls drool. *Lols. Guess what? Not anymore. The girls are smart enough to tell that guys usually use these lines to cover up their mistakes and make the girls forget about what they should be angry about. It’s also a maneuver to make the girls feel wanted when they know, the sweeter the words, the bigger things they are hiding. *Grinzzzz (*Lols)
6. The Too-NiceNess
(Pandai2 buat word o kau ni 256. Marah la si Oxford ni tau. *Lols.). “It’s okay my dear, I do if for you.” “It’s okay, I’m not mad at all. As long as you’re happy, I’m happy too.” “You don’t have to worry of that, I will take care of everything.” “Are you sure you don’t want me to pick up your clothes from the laundry?” “I clean your office today, what do you say?” If you’re too nice, too kind, too gentleman. Omigawd, something is wrong, don’t you think? The girls know the guys are anything but angels. If you’re too nice to begin with, they might expect the bigger devil you are within. So they prefer to see the hard and evil side of you once in a while, just to make sure that you’re not a pretender. Girls like Real Man who have weaknesses because they know if they ask for Mr. Perfect, it doesn’t exist. So if you’re too nice now, the girls know anyway that you gonna unleash the unexpected. So, I should say that the best way to go is be your freaking self. Let your girl decide if she still wants you after knowing your weaknesses. Before that, I would advice you guys to prepare for the worst. Hehehehehehe. Hey, this is the best option for you anyway. Remember, too nice is something that is not always not good for ya! *Grinz
7. The Yes-Madam
If you think the girls love to be in control, let me tell you again, the answer is NO! As a matter of fact, the girls want the men to wear the pants. They want men to play a leader and take charge. At first, they might enjoy the view of having their man tailing them around and receive orders from them but this is only short-lived. Men who receive orders and can’t step up with their own principle – is only giving the girls the idea that this kind of man is not reliable and Not Ready for a bigger responsibility and they might end up NOT taking you seriously. Remember guys, if you want to take the job as “your girl’s man” maybe you should clean up your act. Unless you want to apply for the post “your girl’s maid” then maybe you should just carry on with Yes Madam. *Grinz
Hahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahaha. Nasty nasty 256.
Am I Right Or Not?
7 good lessons, right guys? So you know what to do! Hehehehehehe
yeah...watch out guys..girls are smarter these days..and ouwh, may I add...girls hates 'Show offs', 'braggers'
guys...you might had the looks of tom cruise, but if u being such a jerk by judging others like "look, he doesn't have a taste in his clothing lah~" or "punya la gumuk tu perempuan" right in front of me...then you are so not in my list.
"See, this car worth 300k you know..just to maintain it bla bla bla..." I don't like guys that keeps price tags around everything he owns and yes, i don't want to know anything about your trip to europe unless when I ask...so, you are not in my list.
So guys..pandai2 la ah...hahahahahaha~
ya yaaa...stuju tu dingo!! hehehe
Biasakan hidup berpada-pada.. Tidak lebih, tidak kurang.. Apa yang ada, ada la.. Apa yang tiada, jangan diharap.. Itupun cukup suda bah utk para 'girl-girl' sekalian kan?
kalo c bujang senang musti pandai tu "mengatur" baitu.. pandai batukal tukal stradiji, kalo mangsa materealistik.. maka dia akan transform p owang kaya... kalo tu mangsa suka tegas .. makanya dia akan jadi tegas.. bujang senang ni iyalah pakar saikoloji tu tau GURLS wakwak...so.. awas2 bujang sonang kat sokoliling anda ~~~~peace~~~~
u happy then me happy <- alamak !! macam besa ni sia pakai ni ayat tau!! hadoiiii macam tekena lak sia ni woooooooo wakwak
u hepi and me hepi dalam versi percakapan kau tu laling lain ceritanyaaa...hehehehehehe. Yang kau cakap tu layak diberikan cium-ciuman ba tu laling. *Lols Hahahahahahahahahahaha.
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