This is going to be something fun! *giggles. I am now airing my dirt linen in public, if I get that correct (Membuka pekung di dada) Hahahahahaahahhahahahahahahaha. Oh well, again…I am just another human being. I want to prove you just that…and I don’t see this as a form of self-degradation because I am sometimes very positive so I just bear in mind that - YOU CAN BE WORSE THAN ME *grins. How about that? Hahahahahahaha.
(The Lazy Bump)
I hate to wash my clothes but I don’t have the choice when I run out of clothes to wear!! The chores with the washing machine are already too much for me to bear. I always end up washing my clothes by hands. Hahahahahaahah.
(The Fussy Doll)
I like to complain about the small stuff but I tend to overlook them and make a wrong choice (For example, I want to buy only the perfect bags and then after buying a few, I find out too late that I pick the bags with the smallest defects that I overlook. Damn!)
(The Tigress In Me)
I give the most sour look when I’m not in the mood. Blame it on my mood swing. I remember having this customer walking in and he said to me, “Are you mad at me or what?” *Lols
(The Food Cannibal)
I like to eat a lot and a lot until I can’t take it anymore. Eating is like a habit, and not a need. Most often that I find biting and crunching something is only like listening to the songs that I don’t recognise. *Lols
I have this habit of not being alert of the cash I have in my wallet. I always walk into a shop and find what I want and after deciding what to buy, then only I check how much cash I have in my wallet. And the worst case is…I will blame them like this…”Aiyo, how come teda ATM dekat2 sini? Sepatutnya tempat begini ada ba ATM!!) And most likely, I will get “that look” daripada orang and I don’t even care! Hahahahahahahaha
(The Talking Machine)
Hahahahahaahahahha…this is the most funny habit that I have. I TALK A LOT! And I can go on and on that maybe people wish they have a button to press STOP. *Lols
(Hurricane Laughter)
This is another thing about me. I like to laugh and laugh over the smallest thing that people would go WOW and eventually, laugh together with me. This is actually a funny habit but I kinda hate it because it really disturbs my intention of being damn serious. My laughter can actually bring a lot of embarrassment to myself because I do laugh like a hurricane. *Lols
OK ENUFF…Omigawd…Do you actually thought I’m gonna write like at least 20? Gotta be kidding me. Hahahahahahahahahaha. Enuff laaa…deiii…(Actually byk lagi ba tu ging…cuma sia ngantuk sudah. *Lols. Shsss…jan kastau urg ah)
Laughter is certainly a good habit to nurture, especially with the current society of chimpanzees running the politics in our country. :-P
A good habit, indeed. Until you are overdoing it, it could be embarrassing. *giggles. I think that some people laugh more than others, and I hope it brings more good than harm to them (I mean, me) Hahaahahaha. See? I laugh again. *Lols.
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