WOW…finally today I’m really blank what to write. Other than the fact that I am not feeling so good with something that just happened. I am actually quite heran ba ni, orang ni kadang2 pelik and acting so strange. I come back to IRC chatroom pun hanya secara accidental. Gara2 mau jaga hati kawan, jaga integriti sia sebagai seorang manusia, dan pada masa yang sama, buat my little responsibility. I come quietly saja…bukan sia bising2 pun pukul gong. Dalam kesenyapan sia tu, sia nda pula tau ada juga pihak2 yang terlampau curious gila mau tau pasal sia. It’s really bugging me ba. Tiba2 when it comes to me, expectation begitu high and nda pasal2 sia kena tekanan yang langsung tidak munasabah. Why the heck should I prove myself? How do you guys play the game ba actually? When people have good impression about me, and then others start to have some kind of expectation, then why it becomes my job to prove to them that I actually meet all those expectations? Gila punya kerja. Apa org pikir terhadap sia tu BUKAN something yg I can control. If people think good of me, Praise the Lord, sia syukur saja. Tapi pada masa yg sama, org kena paham yg itu adalah hak individu untuk bercakap dan pikir apa dorang mau. Tidak semestinya sia memang sebegitu bagus untuk semua org, dan teda juga masuk dalam impian sia untuk disukai oleh semua org. Kenapa should anybody put me in this situation that I must lay all the documents to prove yang Yes I Am That Damn Good. Gila punya kerja.
Why some people mau punish org just like that? Hellloo? We are not in a world where perfection really exists. Perfection itu TIDAK WUJUD untuk manusia mcm kita. Dalam kes sia, jauh panggang dari api. Sometimes, sia heran juga, the more you want to get rid of people’s business, kadang2 mimang sudah ditakdirkan yang orang akan still pull you masuk and make you become part of their issue. Gila punya kerja. Now when I start sounding this way, org pula cakap sia ni emotional la, childish laa…hey come on. Sia ni pun ada perasaan ba. The fact yang sia try my best untuk Don’t Take It Personal – still ada juga yang make it that personal with me, tapi lepas tu tidak mau mengaku – then pointing fingers at me lagi. Purlesseee laaa. I have been acting very professional sudah ni. Bukan lagi mcm budak2. I don’t make it hard for people. If they want to get rid of me, they surely can. But why are you still here bugging me? Maybe you should ask yourself first. The problem is with me, or it’s WITH YOU all along. Cut this nonsense. I have nothing to prove. This is totally Gila Punya Kerja. Sorry, I’m talking crap. If you guys don’t understand this, just ignore this one. For the one who understands, Do Something!
taip this command /ignore nickname
abis cerita...hahahahahahhaa~
we can't please everyone...so for those who dun like it, just ask them to get their butt off~
Yes Dingo, you're right. But in the situation where certain people get extra xs on you, they can sometimes take advantage from it to demand more and more than what you offer. Oh well...that sure has a deep meaning right there. *Lols.
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