
Saturday, December 25, 2010

The Token of Chrismas

Last nite's Christmas Eve was well-spent. We could have done many things to fill the day. It's up to us really. All the years I kept questioning why my Christmas was never "that good". I remember writing a poem on that too. I kept looking for the "secrets" why my Christmas was never happier. I did everything to make it complete but I felt like it was never complete.

Last nite, I spent almost 5 hours at the church. Came very early to get the best seat and sat there entertaining my thoughts I remember the good moments when I felt like sitting quietly at the church was the most miraculous moment. Unfortunately, because I think I was still in "unstable state" of feelings and mind, I did not feel that moment. I kept looking around and reflecting what had happened that caused the rages inside me. It's like stepping on the ground but did not feel the ground at all. The Peace was not with me. That's the point. This is the most challenging situation that one can go through. The Enemy Within. Anyway, the choir at the church was Superb. Oh man, how I loved the spirit. They sang it from the heart. "Those who sing well, pray twice." May God bless each and everyone of the choir member who did a very fantastic job, making the nite so alive. It helped a lot. The most powerful line of the was "There's Nothing That God Cannot Do." Thanks a lot for such a wonderful mass. If I keep complaining about my Christmas that was never complete, Well, it won't make it better if I did not attend the Christmas Eve mass. Some people did not go thinking about the crowd and having to wait for hours if they come early, but I ask you again, you call yourself the faithful but you don't even want to make a little sacrifice for such an important date. Ask yourself that.

The mass ended about 11.30 PM so we only have 24 hours restaurant to pick. This was our late nite dinner. Hahaha.

And this was our Christmas black forest cake.

*giggles. Don't be surprised. I have received so many gifts in my life from expensive perfumes, to gold jewellery and even diamond, but my favourite gifts are the cute little ones like this. I likeeee...hehehehehe. Those who know will know what to buy for me...*Lols
This is my Christmas tree at the office. One of the 3 feet was lost, but using my creativity I still manage to make it stand. Hahahaha. I prefer the traditional tree better than new ones out there. I will not change this tree until it's broken or stolen or anything that makes me unable to use it. Hehehe.

One of the best songs for Christmas is Christmas Isn't Christmas Till It Happens In Your Heart. The song says it all. It's not the materials, it's not the rituals, but it's how much you understand the significance of this event and how much this event means to your life. If you can answer all that, congratulations, you are really celebrating Christmas in its purest meaning. One more thing...about me and my "never complete" Christmas...I'm not sure if I found the answer. I just thought of this last night. Maybe I shouldn't expect too much from Christmas. Maybe I just go ahead and enjoy it with the presence of my loved ones and still being able to spend time with them, seeing them healthy and count my every blessing. If I do it right, HOW ON EARTH that it doesn't make my Christmas complete. It even make my life complete. Praise be to God. Thanks for this gift of life. Halleluyah. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

why not:)