
Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Si Brutal Yang Manja

I have this funny little thing to share with you guys today.

I always think that I am sometimes hot-tempered, and I do speak bad language when I’m mad. Yes, I do swear. And yes, I like to get into arguments especially when I think I’m right. I would raise my voice just to emphasize that Hey, I have a point and you’ll see I’m right all along. Yup, I am this type. Some people even refer me, si 256 yang tidak mau kalah. *Lols

I have seen girls who are soft and so polite, like you won’t hear their high pitch voice in a million years. Definitely I’m not one of them. I’m the type who wear pants daily, and no one can force me to wear baju kurung again since after college years. That tells you I'm not so much into "ayu2" appearance. So I think my points femininity is running thin the more I tell you guys about what I’m like. Hahaahahahaahaha. The only thing that looks so friendly in me is my Smile. I realize about it too. People got fooled by my smile thinking that Oh she’s soo friendly. Yeah, maybe sometimes I am. But I think I’m quite harsh when it comes to the words that come out from my mouth. I always expected to gain that reputation of being somekind of a sharp tongued person, but matched with some okay manners that save me from the title Miss Monster. *Lols. [256] and her neverending bla bla bla. My oh my, she talks a LOT! Hahaahahahaha

I remember when I was in secondary school, I received some comments from the new friends. “Soft betul o suara kau ni,” then I was like, “Ya ka?” Then I thought, Oh, she must have caught me in the low mood when my voice was translated into a rare chord. *Lols. But as I grew up, my language got even harsher. Maybe I was once a softie too, but not for long. I tend to be more vocal and opinionated. (Nothing new to my blog readers. Hahaahahaha)

So I always think that I am The Vocal one among my friends. So I remember during the college holidays, when we spent our time at home, I received a phonecall from a closefriend of mine. She was also my course mate and my housemates in the hostel. She was among the friends who know so much about me.

Her: Kau ada call ka tadi?

Me: Tadi? Teda. Why?

Her: Bro sia cakap ada kawan sia cari sia tadi.

Me: Ohh…nah, bukan sia la tu. Teda dia kasitau nama?

Her: Teda pula, but my bro cakap, “suara dia manja maaanjaaa.” Jadi tu la sia tanya kau tu.

Me: *terdiam kejap. Isshh bukan laa. Kalau sia jadi kau, sia terus pikir tu orang si F. Cos setau sia, suara si F yang manja2. (Kenyataan cuba mempertahankan reputasi brutal *Lols)

Lepas ja dia call tu, sia terus rasa lain ni ba… Sia nda tau pula biarpun sia ni banyak cakap and sometimes tu memang berbisa juga, rupa-rupanya kawan2 sia anggap sia ni tidak lebih daripada si suara Manja yang suka membebel. Hahahaahahahahaahahahahahahaha. So I’m not brutal enough ka pula all this time? Doiiii…sampai hati dorang kan…Bah ya laa…ku terima seadanya.

/me pingsan tawa

So now you guys paham why I always refer my voice as “my doremon voice” and whatever funny expression that I made turn me into a pokemon cos I have to accept the fact that because of my small voice, I can’t as brutal as I thought I could be. Hahahaahahahahaha. Have fun all :)

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