
Saturday, April 6, 2019

Vol 1: 10 Questions and 256 Answers!

1. What are the silliest thing that you have heard people say about you?

- If you remember the chatroom gossip that I spoke about in a previous Fb post. The gossip that I had something funny going on with someone's boyfriend, and that guy actually went to ask me, Did you tell them about us? (Like there was really something going on before) Darn, it made me so so angry. Because I barely answered even anything from this guy before, he never got my attention in any way, he was really nothing to me and yet he could ask me, Did you tell them about us? HAHAHAAHA. I know I wrote everything about this but yeah that's the silliest thing that I remember.

2. You have any ridiculous goal in life?
- Errr... Like going to each and every countries in this world? Yeah I know it's ridiculous but what if I really could? I bet you want it too! Hehehe

3. What's the most spontaneous thing that you have ever done?
- Suddenly thought of styling my hair and I just took out the scissors and comb and did it right there without much thought of preparation and the next thing my hairs all over the floor. Imagine that!

4. Which skill or craft you'd like to master?
- Cooking!! I wish I could just cook all the delicious foods that I have eaten at the restaurants and do it at home at any time whenever someone craves for it! I'd love to do thatttt...Hehe

5.  What personality trait that you wish you had?
- Brave and bold in EVERYTHING that I'm afraid of now. Cos my paranoia and trauma actually stop me from getting mor from life. Seriously! (But to some people I'm already brave and bold in some way...hehe but no, they don't know the whole story)

6. What is the most hilarious childhood memory you can think of?
- That we went to a birthday party of a neighbour and I asked my kid friends to wait, "After we get a present then only we come home" - I thought the presents on the table were for us bah. Hahahaha

7. What is the meanest that you've ever done at someone to get back at them?
- The only physical and brutal thing that I remember doing was when I pushed my girl cousin off the ladder. Reason is because she almost got me drown at the river a few days before that, cos she took me to the deeper water and she got panic and left me there. I could have died there. Her sister saved me, and when we came back, I told my dad about it and asked him to punish her but my dad thought I was kidding because I was only like 6 or 7 years old that time so I took the punishment in my own hand. Hahahahahaha. Now my cousin is a successful teacher, don't worry about her, she's okay bah. LOLS

8. If you were arrested with no explanation, what would your friends and family assume you had done?
- They should know crime is not my thing though I could break the rules. Maybe they right away assume there's a mistake and that I was framed or something! (Yeah right...LOLS)

9. What fact amazes you everything you think of it?
- Of all the failures I've done in my life, I could have a job that I love (despite no initial approval from anyone in the family) and yet I'm still here doing it, loving every part of it.

10. What event in your life would make a good movie?
- About being "different". That's it's not easy, but it has a beauty of it. And I'd like to discover how many out there who actually appreciate this side of human, how they deal with stuff, how they get their own confidence and how possible it is to be different and loving it. LOLS I don't even know what I'm writing about. So much mystery. But we all can look normal from the outside but our personality makes us different. That's the kind of different that I meant.

10 questions for now. Wait until I think I'm able to take on more brutal questions in the future. Hehe

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