
Monday, February 3, 2014

Win The Race, You Wooden Horse!

A Year Of Determination and Strength, says this source where I got this picture from. If you ask me, if I do believe in Chinese horoscope or any horoscope for that matter, the answer is always the same. Not really. I did get some inspiration from the predictions, but I am always right about one thing. That those predictions WILL NOT COME TRUE, unless you go ahead and make it happen with your own hands! So, if you are the type who are into predictions, it's not wrong, but make sure you write notes on the good things from what the predictions say gonna happen to you. And do not let the bad things haunt you and give you nightmares! They are not there to ruin your life but to help you improve it! 

But again, I feel good for this Wooden Horse year. If you ask me why? Maybe it's because of the word Hope. I wake up everyday with this word Hope getting bigger each time. All the times that has passed, imagine how big my Hope has become. Hahaha. Okay, that's a big exaggerated. What I mean is, Hope undergoes quite a critical process too. If only we don't lose them along the way, they would have grown so big. But sadly, sometimes we lost it to failures and disappointments. If we manage to build a new one, it starts growing from there again. The one I have right now, is a strong one. It has endures so much things and still manage to survive. Sometimes I thought I wanted to lose it again, but somehow that Hope manages to cling to me saying, 256, Don't Lose Me. It's tough without the help from God. You guys know I will say that, right :))

I wish everyone a better year. Seriously. Cos I wish that you guys will return me the same greeting too. Hehe. Lets wish well for everyone. I know that we will have our ups and downs, we will have our days of glory, and of defeat, but we gonna keep the good vibe going. This is just part of the universe, don't defy it. Let it go on and we will turn every happenings into winnings. Lets try make that happen, guys. Come on! 
So lets just take example from the characteristic of a horse, if you may, and run and run till we reach our goal. Believe in yourself, believe in God above, and keep your thoughts positive! Best of luck!

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