
Sunday, February 2, 2014

Undelete The *Deleted*

Ah. Just a funny thought. Imagine when you receive a text from someone. Or, maybe reading a Facebook post by a friend. What's the first thought that comes to your mind? And then, compare it with what you actually Enter for others to read? Any similarities? Or none at all? Hahaha.

I bet the answer is, Almost NONE at all!

Usually our first genuine reaction is totally unfiltered. It can be a bit too much for others to take, or maybe we just caught in the middle of it and don't know how to finish it well, so we delete, one word, two words, the whole line, and then, Everything!

I remember receiving this Whatsapp message from someone, and I wanted to say so many things to let her know what I think of the subject that she raised. Sometimes like, "Oh. It looks so nice! Remember when you said that ....bla bla bla"... suddenly I thought if I were to continue with it, I was gonna end up typing longer, and garsh, I thought I didn't have time for that so I deleted everything and typed "Okayy" then Enter. Hahahaha. 

Same thing with Facebook post. I bet at first, we wanted to say what we really thought, but then as we typed, many things started to knock our sense. It might offend some people; or get misunderstood, or make people get the wrong idea about you etc. All that stuff!! And the next time, you are down with one word if not a few. Hehehe. It's so funnyy! Some rather settle for cliches like "Good one, Nice!, Very true." The safest comments in the whole wide world! Hahahaa

I have this one Fb buddy who I caught posting comments of his "first hand thought". Which if I didn't respond fast enough, he deleted them. It happened for so many times. Hahahaha. Sometimes when it was in the form of question, some people got embarrassed when they are not answered right away, so they would look ignored and feel silly. So, they rather delete the question so others won't find out that they are "ignored". LOLS. Ah, we think too much, right? 

Sometimes it's just too funny I wish I could see what people wrote before they deleted them and ended up writing just what entered! Hahaha I'm sure it's just hilarious. Yeah, just pretend I am that free. Hehe. Ok guys. Whatever it is, if you think you gonna post sthing that gonna raise some issues or sentiments, take your sweet time before you press Enter. You don't have it to be too late, or you don't want to get caught deleting them, right? Cos some people are more active on observing than they allow you to see...hehe. (This I know for sure! Hahaha) So, I guess you don't deserve another embarrassment or if you just wanna have fun, okay, go ahead. LOLS. But never ever risk this when you are writing to your loved ones whose hearts you have to take care a bit more, okayyy. Hehe. Ok deal!

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