
Friday, December 11, 2009

What's Your Phonebook Name?

Some people know us by nicknames. Some know us by real names. But don’t you wonder what name your friends put to represent you in their mobile phone phonebook?

Hahahahaha. Some of you might say, Of course they put my real name! But that is NOT always true!!! Hahahahahahahahaha. Some people put funny names for you. The more special you are, the “more special” you appear in the phonebook! I think, it’s for a few reasons why they do that.

1.They put a special nickname to remind them that you’re special than the other, for example, “My Baby”

2.They want to cover/hide you so in case anything happens, no one will know your number or no one will ever find out who you are, for example any guy name for a girl to not create suspicion.

3.You’re anonymous enough for them to remember your name so they put any word that describe your character so that they can recall who you are for example like “Chubby” or “Bubbly”. Hehehehehe.

My big bro told me that I don’t have to worry if his phone got lost or stolen, cos no one would know my number since that he put a very very funny name for me in his phone. I wanted to laugh so so much because of his creativity. My bro has done the thinking much faster than me in this matter. This is one way how my bro protects me, yeah…even in his handphone!! *Lols.

Last nite, I also find out that Kennedy put a special name for me too in his handphone and that’s sooo so sweet. Hehehehehehe. Thanks baby.

But my way of doing it is different. If you see my contact list, you will see a lot of masculine names. They all look good in the phonebook…you COULD NOT guess which one is special, which one is normal. Cos everyone could look special in there!! Hahahaahahahahahahahaha. Oh well, that’s the trick bebehh… *giggles.

But my secret will definitely leak if you saw my sms, cos from 300 SMS, 200 is from one name – Arrrgh!! Then don’t peek at my Inbox you people!!


Juz kidding. :P Have a blessed Friday everyone 

1 comment:

AngeL BeaR said...

depends tho..but palis-palis la kalau my hp ilang..if that someone buka my phonebook..siap la tengok nama2 urang sa kasi blacklist...

you dun wanna know what it is..hahahahahahahaha~