
Saturday, December 5, 2009

Don't Stop That Noise...

You guys read this post…I hope it would knock some senses into us. 

NOISE -- Nobody really likes it all the time. If you can pick a silent and peaceful environment, yes, you would pick this, anything away from the pollution of sound. 
I remember my parents were talking out loud about something funny and we were laughing our heart off. Suddenly my sister came from upstairs, wearing that upset looks and said to us, 
“Can you guys please tone down the volume cos I can’t sleep? Like I can listen to every words. I’m trying to get some rest!”
Yes, it was always noisy when the rest of the family are gathering in the house. It’s a normal view when the house where a family stays, would get even more silent each year – when the kids are growing and eventually have to leave the house to pursue their dreams. One child might be off to another state for studies, another one would get married and stay at the spouse’s place and one would be stay at a different place because it’s closer to his workplace. Yeah…for all the different reason, the family house would get really SILENT. If you were the parents, you would understand that this SILENT wasn’t there when the kids were still small; when they still need your protection and care. 

One day, you would cry alone hugging your pillow, missing this noise that you thought you hated just because you wanted to get some rest. That time then only you realize If Only you just let them do the noise. It’s the most heavenly noise that you can afford to have. But that time, it’s too late. Because that’s what most of us do. We only realize the value of something when it’s gone. Now I’m telling you so you APPRECIATE that noise that made them these people. They are the same people you call you loved ones. They are the same people you mention in all your prayers. 


So when I told my sister that That is SO SO Stupid to complain about the noise that we make. “Aren’t you enough of silence?!!!” I really mean it. Just put it this way. Just imagine that this life is CURSED with silence. So all the noises that come along the way are actually what give this life the meaning. Cos after the noises are gone, it’s going to SILENCE again. 

So don’t you think we have enough of Silence? Now think once again if you want to wait until you lose this noise forever or START appreciating it NOW. It’s not to late for most of us. Those who have lost this noise KNOW what I’m talking about. 

Yeah…I won’t curse this noise anymore. This is the most lovely noise to my ears. Let’s make some noise my dear loved ones. I will call myself very lucky if I can hear this noise as long as I breathe.
Please don’t stop that noise. I will tolerate all my beings for this heavenly noise. I don’t care about that stupid silence cos it’s gonna be there waiting for me when this noise runs its course.

Pleaseee…Don’t Stop That Noise….

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

kin nangis wo nie stury......
-kennedy was read it n crying like devil lose fight with angel-