
Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Why did you do that?

Source: Google images

I have this irritation towards supermarkets or restaurants, but especially at the supermarkets - when they are busy cleaning the floor where customers are all around. I really loathe seeing that because the place is for people to shop for groceries, that's how they get the income to pay the workers, so don't tell me customers are nuisance when they are moving around, and get the floor dirty and you start mopping like you have all the time and space in the world, and you get annoyed when customers walk on the wet floor. I had one earlier. Maybe it was my mistake because I didn't see it. But then since it's a supermarket where you expect people to come, so we come to shop. We take stuff to the counter, pay and leave. That's what we do in the supermarket. You don't make us responsible to be aware of "the extras" such as hey, you should avoid this area, we are waiting for it to dry, can't you see? It was a mistake I did only once from what I can remember. I heard the cleaner mumbling. Mind you, I'm the type of person who apologizes to the cleaner when I have to walk on the wet floor, but I walk with caution, I will walk on the edge where it's less visible if I were to leave any shoe prints. So I'm not the inconsiderate type. I'm not thoughtless and heartless. But in spite of that, I'm still annoyed when they let the staff do the cleaning when I'm trying to move around the supermarket. They do it like they are the ones who should be given priority, we should wait and avoid the area. And it's our fault if we disturb them. It's our fault when they don't have enough space to move their equipment. 

About weeks ago, I came across the staff cleaning the lane using the wide sweeper. I saw all the dusts together as he moved the sweeper. The lane was already just enough for two persons to walk from different directions. It's not time for you to conveniently sweep dusts and use all the space you want. Guess what, I avoided that lane, and when I saw that guy at least thrice, taking the accumulating dust with the sweeper, he didn't even try to stop. He expected that I stopped and let him keep sweeping from one end to the other. After seeing this for many times and said nothing, now I'm seriously very pissed to keep seeing it again. We don't spend longer than half and hour looking for what to buy and yet we have to deal with that.

You want a solution? I give you solution. When cleaning is urgently needed, they should make it QUICK and do it EFFICIENTLY. Like take a small sweeper and a funnel, just sweep where the dusts or dirts obviously seen, and then if possible, avoid from being seen doing that by the customers. I mean, they should understand customers are "the paying guests" they should be treated well enough to at least shop comfortably. They must do it really fast so they will not cause any disturbance. We customers surely appreciate that.

You want to clean like you own the place? Sure! Do it before the door is opened to public or after it's closed to the public. You can clean and push your sweeper, mop it till the floor shine and let it all dry. That's your time, your space! Oh gosh, I know you guys think  I'm being too fussy but I really think they can do better than this. I don't shop everyday so I think they have enough time to do cleaning and still it happens in front of my eyes. Ok guys, just leave me nagging till tomorrow. I usually stop when I'm tired. Hahahaha.


Note: I know the supervisor will tell me 256, we pay their salary to clean! If follow your time only they all goyang kaki loh. Hey, I don't say it's wrong to clean, but do it the proper way. Read that part again!

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