
Sunday, March 31, 2019

The Luck of The Pink Lipstick

If you are my Fb friends, you know I mentioned about a pink lipstick that I bought by mistake. That's the picture of the pink lipstick. Hehe

Actually when I said I bought it by mistake, not because I did not want to buy the lipstick. I just picked the unfamiliar colour because I was in a rush. I tried the testers of a few colours but they were too common so I just picked "something else" from what I have tested. Something that looked less dark, less red and hopefully something that not too visible when I put it on. The reason is because I already have the same kind of lipstick with super red colour. WHOA! It scares me! Hahahaha. I mean, Red is lovely but do you know that Red gets attention easily? I don't really want or need that attention - I mean I am actually almost a makeup-less person (in contrary to some of the photo pieces that I uploaded before, right? LOLS. In person, I'm not a make-up person, full stop). So lipstick is just a little highlight that doesn't make me look like I just got up from sleep or something. It's just a womanly thing to use a lipstick, but of course I will look overgroomed if I put too much colour. UNLESS I am attending an event where it's right to just groom a little more. So, the Red lipstick is too bold to wear daily. The one that I often used has run out so I thought I should buy a new one. So I just randomly picked "something lighter" judging from the label. It turns out that it's THE PINKIEST lipstick ever existed in this whole wide world. Hahahahahaha. It's just too pink, omigosh!

Pink is not a suitable colour for me. But guess what, because I don't want to make a big deal out of it, I decided to just WEAR IT! At least it's not the Red that makes me look like I'm going to a Dracula party or something (LOLS) so I guess this pink won't hurt that much. It will look weird on me though but I TRIED NOT TO CARE. Hahahaha. So I wore it for the first day yesterday. All the time I made a joke out of it. I acknowledged my friends about it before they even said anything. "Okay I know this lipstick is funny but I'm wearing it anywayyyy". Hahahahaha. They didn't get to comment anything about it because I didn't give them the chance, and I didn't want to listen to it! Hahahaha. I can't believe I could just reach that kind of absurdity appearing "funny" like that when I actually disapproved of the colour to begin with. But Lets just do it, I said. My friend did say, Hey, I want that lipstick!! I said, Go Watson la cari sendiri! (Yeah I bought it at Watson, I will not tell the brand. It's already too much details bah!) So I know my friend loves pink lipstick, in fact I thought of giving it to her when I first tried it, but then No, it's not hygienic to share lipstick. She doesn't mind at all but I do. I'm not going to share any possible bacterias with you guys...Hahahahahaha (The same way I don't want to share your bacterias too...LOLS :PP)

So okay, the first day with the funny pink lipstick was done successfully. No major scene caused by it. I remember I was too tired and I slept early last nite. When I woke up I saw a whatsapp from my sister - Your number keluar lah! Hahahaahha. You guys know that I'm really not into lottery but since last year I said why not just play it for fun. But the condition is the lottery shop is really  just a few steps away, then I'll buy it. If I have to sweat, No, I'm not to that level yet. You can't force LUCK like that, I told my sister. LOLS. Last time I went out with my friends, my bestie is  earning a 5-digit income and still buy lottery for fun (black market some more ah! Hahahaha). Selamba ja dia cakap dia kena RM11K (playing that 1 + 1 4D) and then time we duduk2 minum tu, dia check lagi kena lagi RM600. Syok or not? Concept dia is, Kenapa mau bermusuh sama duit? Kasi chance dia datang sama kau! That friend of mine is really into fengshui and she even paid to get some guidance from a famous fengshui master. Luck in lottery is one of the thing being highlighted so she actually just pursued her predicted luck. As for us who don't do all that, how do we know how we gonna welcome money luck to us? That's what I thought, why not just play it for fun.

So you get the answer. I will remember my first lottery winning in 2019 is the day I wear the super pink lipstick. How can I not relate them two? Hahahaha. So my pink lipstick, are you giving me the reason for you to stay? Okay, you'll stay for now. Hehe. 


Wilder said...

Saya tau brand apa tu 256...hahaha..comel juga warna tu walaupun saya tak berapa minat pink ��

Twofivesix256 said...

Ya, ada sia kastau di FB sudah tu. Hehehe.