
Sunday, March 24, 2019

256, Are You Still The Same Person?

What kind of question is that? LOLS. Of course it's still me. When I checked back, yeah, maybe you guys thought I was disappearing especially when I posted only 2 posts in the whole 2018. Actually, at one point of my life, I really forgot I have this blog. 2018 was such an awesome year, maybe I was busy living it but I want to prove that I can still have an awesome year when I connect back with the things that I have left out and the people that are still around. It's been a time of reconnecting. I miss a lot of people in my life, I want to just be around and appreciate everything!

Turning another and another year older is just ---Magical. I unlock things that I could never possibly do before that. Hey people, life is just so amazing ooh. I don't know which stage you are right now. In case you are sad and brokenhearted, please hang in there. Tanya la sama orang2 yang sudah lalui that phase and di mana dorang sekarang. Ask them how they feel now. Of course some of us takes longer to heal, tapi promise me one thing, that you will continue your life macamana pun. Wake up another day and continue. Sebab banyak benda2 awesome yg menunggu kamu. Losers yang break your heart tu pun struggling dengan issue2 personal dorang sendiri, maybe selain kau simpan dendam kesumat sama dorang, kau try juga untuk KESIAN sama dorang sebab sebenarnya bukan senang juga berada dalam situasi macam tu. Senang cerita, kita ni ada role masing2. Hari ni orang yg jadi heartbreaker, esok lusa kau pula. One day kita just tengok balik and faham yang life ni perlu macam tu. Kita ni manusia ja, formula hidup ni teda sepa pegang. Senang cerita, jangan susah2 fikir. Kau cari bahagia di setiap hari. Cari la camana pun tapi kerja kau mesti mau cari titik2 bahagia yg bertapuk di sana sini. So kerja manusia adalah mencari bahagia. YA, READ THAT AGAIN.

Kamu tau kan God ni bagus? Dan dia sayang bah kita semua. Dia akan kasi jumpa kau benda2 yang kau cari. Kau minta tulung, dia akan tulung. Masalahnya kau PERCAYA ka yang God ada di setiap langkah kau? Remember the poem Footprints kan? Read it and understand. Mungkin sebab sia percaya sama Kerja Tuhan. I imagine Him say, 256, I could stop you before but I just let you go through this because I will exchange it with greater Wisdom. This has to happen so everyone will learn something valuable. Trust me 256, you can do it. Nahhh, macam gitu la conversation sia sama God. Tell me how can you lose when God is right beside you? You can't lose.

So guys, here we are again. I'm so glad to be back. Yes I'm still the 256 yang dulu tu. I don't know kamu sepa but thanks for still kasi kawan sia di blog sia ni. Kamu layan seja la apa yg sia tulis ni biarpun kadang2 bikin panas dan bikin sakit hati. Hahahaha. Sia kena buktikan yg sia masih si 256 yg dulu jadi ndalah sia mau bersopan santun sangat depan kamurang k. LOLS.

Thank you, guys :)

Note: Just that sia nda rajin sudah mau edit gambar sebab dia melambatkan sia untuk post. Jadi kita kasi simple ni kerja, makanya sia pi link terus gambar di google. Kasi chance la sia jadi pemalas sikit k...hahahaha

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