
Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Curiosity Killed The Cat. What’s That?

Hahahaha. I thought of writing a heavy topic tonite but why not I just write sthing light so I can save the topic for later when I really have the time.

Have you heard of Curiosity Killed The Cat? I always heard this but laughed at it because I thought that why would people pick cat instead of other animal. Curiosity is not even a weapon or an equipment that can accidentally kill anything if you misuse it, yeah, now you are telling me it has killed a cat? Hahaha.

I thought Cat was used because it starts with C, same with Curiosity. So it rhymes a bit. Okay, Lame. Hahahaha. After doing some reading, I found out something. Actually this line had once appeared as the headline of a news title in Washington Post (dated many years back, when you and I were not even  here yet!) – telling a news how a cat lost its life because of its curiosity. It was about a cat named Blackie, that went to the top of the chimney because he never went that far before. He tried to climb before and he did sustain some injury but he was saved. Until he tried to climb higher the next day, he fell to the first floor. They could hear the sound of Blackie in pain, but after getting help from the rescue department, they failed to take him out using a rope. The next day after the plumber came and opened the rear wall of the chimney and took him out, but he died shortly after.

Maybe they still used this line to describe that Curiosity could bring us danger if we take measures that are unnecessary and risky. So today, it can be used as a Reminder to not succumb to curiosity to the extent that you might jeopardize your safety. Aha, that makes sense, doesn’t it? Hehehe. So it’s like, Hey, don’t be too curious about whatever you have in your mind, cos curiosity killed the cat, and heaven knows who’s next. You certainly don’t want to be the next, right? 

Now, you and me, at least we know what it means. I’m sure most of you don’t even have the time to find out the origin of those phrase. So now that we know, we can use it where it’s applicable, not just in our sentences, but also as a reminder to ourselves too. Our lives are too valuable to lose over a curiosity. So make your situation-evaluation right. So to Blackie the cat, who lost his life over curiosity, we learn something from you. You’ll be remembered by this phrase. I'm sure this reminder have saved some lives and will save more lives.

Everyone takes lesson please. Thank you :PP

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