
Sunday, July 4, 2010

What Makes A Man Sexy...

You define Sexy. What’s that? Is it in the clothes that they DON’T wear or in the number of pax in their stomach (*Lols) or how big the muscles are as they flex their arms (that is if they actually have any…*Lols)…I mean, which kind of sexy am I referring to here? I don’t really know. What if I just have a thought of something and then I come up with…Okay, let’s call this Sexy. Erkss??

I remember years back when I was watching the final episode of American Top Male Model. It came down to two finalists. The final task was a “tough” one. Not really for typical Americans. They 2 finalists were asked to pose naked on camera. Considering that Nudity isn’t abnormal in America, and you are talking about a show that can secure you a modeling contract and cash of $100,000. Don’t you think it’s pretty tempting? I mean, any guy who was randomly picked from the everyday people stood a chance to make it big. Don’t you think they would do Anything to win?

Different with Jon Jonsson. At first, he thought that he wanted it more than anything. He wanted to win. Especially when he got picked to be in the final despite being short and he has teeth issue (according to some male participants, his teeth are distracting). It was almost lucky to get picked despite all the issues and then he managed to beat all the other potential candidates. Of course he wanted to win. The other guy, who was a gay without secret, was all out too.

Finally when the day came, something happened. Jon said, “I can’t do this. I’m going home.” With a heavy heart, he was turning off his golden opportunity to pursue his dream as a male model. The other guy, Rob, asked him. “Why?” I remember Jon said something like, “I never pose naked in public. Only my parents and my girlfriend have seen me naked before. No, I can’t do this.”

As I watched his reaction on tv, I felt this surge of unexplained feeling – I mean, WOW…ThAT is sOMeTHING! His reluctance was entirely his individual principle. It was not considered new in modeling world for the models to be asked to do nude poses. I mean, considering that he had almost completed the journey, who would be silly enough to make attitudes and let everything go down the drain? I mean, you tell me in your logic, what would be the cause of this sudden move? So much was at stake. What could be bigger than winning the competition?Anyway, he actually won the title. They managed to talk him down to do the pose and he agreed to it finally when they told him it was going to be a private photography session with the photographer alone and what would be shown to public are topless photographs. He definitely won it all that day. He won the title without sacrificing anything.

I finally found the word for my unexplained feeling. It was another way of getting “turned on” in a womanly kind of way. Who would have guessed that when a guy would forfeit his chance of becoming a hero just to stand for his own personal principal is actually SEXIER than any kind of physical sexiness that the eyes can see. Do you guys get it? Or maybe this is just me. I find that when a guy is firm about something that has to do with his self value and dignity, that even winning an ego match is not bigger than that – definitely make the guy so explicitly sexy and attractive. Cos you can find many guys who are the slave of their ego. They would do anything to impress people, especially girls. They would not mind losing their face and embarrass themselves as long as they get compliments. Even if they have to go against their principle, they would. The question of dignity is only the female issue, so they normally thought. So when you can find one who is different and who KNOWS what he wants and HOW to do things his way – and would NOT bend the rule no matter what (unless it has something to do with life and death, maybe) – is what I name the SEXIEST FORM of what a man can be. I don’t know. I can name many other things about men that can make them “sexy” but I still pick that your principal is where your values are.

I would also name a few other traits that men have that would shine their sexiness away. Definitely their Language of Love. I would name 5 of them.

1) Sometimes their jealousy is sexy especially when they try so much to deny it but still it shows in their unplanned gestures.

2) Their possessiveness of wanting their girl to give attention only to them and no one else, but they say it in many other ways but never really mention that this is called Possesive.

3) Their way of showing protest when they thought they were given a less treatment than they deserve from their girlfriend, and when they show it, they still try to deny that this is your fault.

4) Their way of hiding their discomforts by telling her that “It’s all good, Trust me it’s okay” just to not complicate things and to avoid arguments but they could not hide that unhappy expression on their face.

5) They would show how typical they are to other people, but they become “a different guy” when they are with their most special one because suddenly they can do and say all the nice things that others won’t hear from their mouth.

If you have these traits, look at the mirror and see A Sexy Man in his own class. One way or another, your girlfriend would find a way to agree with me. *giggles.

Conclusion: You know when to be untypical in the right place and time - Call yourself a sexy creature, guys :)


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