
Saturday, May 15, 2010

The 3rd Guy With Ferrari

I had a funny chat with Vic a few days ago. He gave me a quiz.

Let’s say that there are 3 guys in love with me.

On my birthday, each of them brings something.

1. 1st guy is poor than average. He could only give me a card with his picture drawn in it. Together with it is a touching poem how much he loves me and would do anything for me.

2. 2nd guy is average. He could treat me a nice lunch and buy me a flower and could sweep me off the floor by singing a romantic song, saying that he belongs to me

3. 3rd guy gives me with a big surprise when he presents me with a luxurious Ferrari and he appears later and say that there’s another bonus gift, and that’s himself.

Hehehe. Maybe not exactly word by word the same with what Vic told me, but it’s more or less telling the difference between 3 guys. If I were to make a decision that day about WHO I PICK to live with…

Who would I Pick?

Well, the typical idea is that, Everyone is looking for REAL LOVE and we read everything that MONEY IS NOT EVERYTHING. Money can’t buy happiness and rich people usually have larger options and less possibility to stay loyal. It’s clear that material is not really the key to happiness, instead moderation and average life could easily be a better solution in the long run. All in all, it’s an applicable idea that people are looking for the virtuous elements of this life which are very rare in today’s world. So when Vic gave me the little quiz, my first thought was definitely picking the FIRST GUY, because I think that the material thing is not my first demand and that I am among them who are looking for real love, a partner that would do anything for me and stay with me through thick and thin. The THIRD GUY was definitely too much for me to handle and I thought that I never even dream of getting a Ferrari. Even if I could someday be rich enough, I would never opt for fancy things like that because I think I am a very average person and I don’t demand so much on the material side. After all said and done, out of nowhere, I finally gave Vic the answer. I Would Pick…

The 3rd Guy with Ferrari!!!

Suddenly the answer sounded so funny even to my own ears. I mean, where was that answer come from? *Lols. I see that Vic was not so satisfied with my answer because he thought I could still want to change my mind. He added this. The added conditions are:

The 3rd guy with Ferrari would NEVER risk his life for me.

The 2nd guy would go through hard times with me, but he would never die for me.

The 1st guy would even sacrifice himself for me if he has to.

So after thinking for a few seconds…I answered.

“My answer stays!! The Ferrari!”

It sounded so much like a joke or just me toying around with Vic’s quiz and gave him the most ridiculous answer…But that was actually my real answer!!! Hahahaahahaha. I even told Vic, “Can you give me a quiz that is a bit difficult than this one? This one is TOO EASY!!” Hahahahahahahahaha. Erkss!!

You want my explanation, right? Okay, now I’m giving you.

First…maybe because this is just a quiz and I have to consider the conditions as I read the sentence. It doesn’t involve any EMOTIONS here. That is very important. So the choices I have are, all the guys feel love for me and they tried to express their love for me in the best of their capability. This quiz did not say anything about me feeling something for them or any kind of history that I could have with them cause in the real life, all that is taken into account. To me, from all of them, only the 3rd guy with Ferrari gives me the SECURITY that I sure get something from my relationship with him. Yes, even if he would actually abandon me for the smallest reason or maybe get rid of me when the going gets tough. You want to know my reason?

I already have material security from him. Even in reality, we usually have worse than that. We don’t even have a freaking security with our partner, nothing but just our daily love expressions that speak mostly about our feelings. So by depending on this alone, you never know when it’s going to last. I mean, feelings could change and relationship could end anytime. Most of us walked out from a relationship EMPTY-HANDED. So the quiz is easy for me. Nothing like EVERLASTING LOVE actually more secured than a Ferrari is. Because I can never tell for sure if he 1st guy really would die for me until a situation needed him to and only then I could tell for sure. But I rather not wait until that when I could already have something without having to hang on to mere possibilities. Possibilities ARE NOT something sure or factual YET but the Ferrari is already something sure that I get and touch and use and maybe sell back. I even told Vic that There’s no such thing as everlasting love. I don’t believe in promises like that so you guys can tell me anything you want but until it’s something that I can hold or touch, it’s still like dust that can just fly away with the wind. Hahaahaha.

How sure are you that you gonna love your partner for the rest of your life?

How sure are you are that you are not gonna leave your partner’s side during times of trouble?

How sure are you that anybody would actually want to die for you or you die for him?

See that? NOTHING IS SURE!! To me, only materials are sure. Now we understand it even more why some people are using this theory of “It’s better that you are left crying in a Mercedes than in a Kancil” in picking a life partner because people who have gone through traumatic relationship know that relationship is a gamble and you could lose anytime but IF you can pick to secure something in your hand regardless winning or losing the gamble, NOW that’s when you really have to be wise and realistic. Yes, even after writing all this, I am even surer that I pick the 3rd guy with Ferrari!!! Hahahahahahaha.

NOTE: Vic asked, What about the 2nd guy? To me the 2nd guys is just a fill-up. If I can’t even be sure about the 1st guy who was said would even die for me, I don’t want to waste time to consider the 2nd guy who is a little of both guys. So you know…yes Vic, my answer stays. *Grinzzzzz (Hahahahahaha)


podot said...

YES!!!!.... satu pilhan yang bijak dan realistik. Walaupun spontan untuk membuat keputusan tetapi tetapi tindakan dan pemikiran yg bernas itulah yg sepatutnya kaum perempuan pilih. Huhauhauhauha... bukan kita mau kata tentang materialistik kehidupan cuma zaman sekarang untuk meneruskan kehidupan perlu ada wang dan untuk mendapatkan kehidupan yg selesa perlu lah ada harta benda. kata org 'ada wang apapun jadi' kita boleh beli apa saja..apa saja. kalau lelaki tua yg kaya raya boleh beli anak dara seusia cucunya sebagai isteri, begitu juga perempuan yg berusia, boleh dapat lelaki seperti usia anaknya sbg suaminya.

Bagi pilihan itu, tidak hairan la banyak perempuan2 yg cantik berkahwin dgn dato` atau peniaga yg kaya yg pada akhirnya..semua itu untuk keselesaan hidup. ini adalah 1 pilihan yg sangat bijak. kalau ada yg cakap 'ah mata duitan atau perempuan materialistik' org yg kata gitu tidak sedar bahawa dalam jangka masa panjang..perempuan itu telah menyelamatkan kehidupannya dan masa depannya dan ofcourse la unt kebahagiannya.

dalam konteks quiz ini sajalah kan..bagi org bijak Cinta sekarang bukan cinta materialistik, tetapi cinta yg realistik. perlu ada kepekaan dan insting yg tajam bagi mempergunakan kesempatan dalam kesempitan dengan sebaik yg mungkin. OK bagi 1st guy, ada cinta ja tapi teda harta..dia ingat ini zaman jepun ka? Kalau zaman itu boleh la kita pilih lelaki ini coz memang dia sanggup pun mati kerana cinta, keadaan dan suasana zaman itupun penunjang unt kearah kematian ba kan..hauhauhauha..Boleh la pilih guy no 1 ni kalau rumput atau batu boleh kita makan. hahaha..kedengaran amat sinis kan..tapi inilah kenyataan zaman sekarang.

Bagi guy no 2, andai sy perempuan, pasti sy pilih this guy la mengikut quiz tadi. kenapa..? jawapan senang ja..this type of guy kan flexible ba..kalau dia mahu, dia boleh jadi lelaki no 1 dan kalau dia berkeras serta berusaha lebih..dia pasti boleh mencapai tahap no 3. hahahaha...semua pun tahu kan macamana kesudahannya.

Apapun kita ni merancang saja, Tuhan juga yg menentukan. tapi perlu diingat, Tuhan tidak akan mengubah nasib seseorg jika org itu sendiri tidak berusaha merubah nasibnya. yang pipih tidak akan datang bergolek dan jangan hanya mengharapkan bulan jatuh ke riba untuk menggadaikan kehidupan kita.

walaubagaimanapun,Apapun yg kita pilih dlm quiz itu semuanya mempunyai kebaikan dan keburukan masing2, terpulang dari kita bagaimana cara untuk mengolanya unt menjadikan ianya sebuah kalimah cinta yg luar biasa melalui penyampaian yg sedemikian rupa bagi kebahagian masing2.

/me jeling2 [256]..ada chance la ni bergelar datin oo kan tanpa berusaha..hauhauha..tentu lelaki jeles la ni coz musnah harapan bergelar dato` walau kawin dgn seorg datin sekalipun

Twofivesix256 said...

Wine...the thing is, itu jawapan untuk kuiz itu ja... heheheeh

In reality, terlampau banyak benda2 lain yang diambilkira. Dan biasanya di alam reality, to be with someone yang can afford a ferrari -- terlampau banyak pengorbanan yang perlu dibuat. Ada yang sampai terpaksa kehilangan kehidupan like kena quit kerja and all that. Jadi, tambah tolak bahagi darab, silap2 hanya dalam kuiz saja sia akan pilih yang ada ferrari itu.


Note: Wine, sia nda berminat mau jadi datin tanpa kerja. Sia2 ja sia belajar lama2 o if like dat...hahahaha. Datin Twofivesix[256] ka? doiiii inda ngam ehh.... /me pingsan tawa

Owl said...

Oh my Goodness Socks..

My quiz has finally been posted.. for so long i waited.. the years it took for me to construct.

i guess it finally paid off :P

wait 256 i got additional question to MR FERRARI :P

Twofivesix256 said...

Vic, you extension to Mr Ferrari will also go out some time... hehehe. It has a point for my other readers to wait up... :)