
Thursday, November 7, 2019

"Kawan Yang Sempurna"

I consider myself a peace loving person to the people in my surrounding. Either they are my friends or I don't talk to them at all. I don't like enemies. I rather Not know you than make you my enemies. So biasanya, pergaduhan antara kawan2 ni sia jarang terlibat. Sia biasa jadi orang yg di tengah. Lets say two of my friends are having cold war, they both are in terms with me knowing that I'm in good terms with the friend they are having cold war with. So that's me. 

Recently, something happened. This friend did not go to my place anymore for 2 weeks. It never happened before. So I learnt from another friend, that she was actually offended by something I said. WHATTT? Of course I was shocked. So she was offended about a comment I made about her relationship with her lover. I told her, "Kak, bagus kamu kawin cepat lah." I said that because she has been going to the guy's house and this caused argument between her and her daughter. I knew they are planning to get married anyway. Why not wait until they are married before she begins going to the guy's house and cause suspicion? Or else, just get married already so she'll be staying with the guy legally. Wasn't my comment obviously the best solution? She was offended, according to this other friend thats why she refused to talk to me for 2 weeks. After that, it was fixed on its own because she has stuff to talk to me about work and it was already behind us the moment I learnt that she was once offended. Seriously I'm not used to this.

Wujudnya kawan2 yang Batu Api di kalangan kita. Kalau situasi yang terjadinya pergeseran macam tu, ada golongan yg bertepuk tangan. That other friend tried to api-apikan. Something yg sepatutnya secret, iaitu luahan hati kawan yg offended tu, dia simply pegi tell kawan kami yang satu lagi, and kawan tu tell me. The other day dia ada try untuk buka topic tu di whatsapp, but sia dapat rasa bad aura dari style dia tulis, so I did not entertain it. So dia pi bagitau kawan yang satu lagi before kawan tu akhirnya bagitau sia. You know what I said to that friend yang bagitau sia? "Next time u hear anything bad about me, keep it to yourself. I don't want to know."

Betul. Sia tidak berminat mau tau benda yang orang bawangkan pasal sia. Begini bah aturan dia. Kalau la ada kawan yang meluah rasa dengan kita, pasal si polan dan si polan, benda tu kau keep sorang ja cukup lah. Bukan benda baik pun. FAHAM? Selepas hal tu, baru sia sedar berapa banyak benda macam tu yg sia keep sendiri ja. Sia kan tempat kawan2 meluah, so sia biasa dengar macam2 cerita Terkecil hati, Tersalah cakap, Tersinggung, but remember this, ITU SEMUA PERKARA BIASA dalam kehidupan manusia. Kau tidak payah treat benda tu macam hal sensasi. So bila sia warning yang STOP TELLING ME STUFF yg negative, which then I told her this, "I heard so many bad stuff about you guys too, but did I ever tell you?" Kenapa mesti menyemai kebencian. Luahan hati is peristiwa singkat. Dia akan berlalu dengan masa. Treat them dengan hati yg ringan. Sebab apa sia cakap gitu?

Sebab banyak lagi benda yang best untuk kita share dengan kawan2. Kalau sia tersilap cakap, anggap sia beruntung kalau kamu faham niat sia bukan jahat. Mungkin sia salah pilih intonasi or perkataan, but Who is perfect among us, again? So kepada orang2 yang suka bikin kerja BATU API tu, actually kamu kawan yg toksik. Kamu boleh kasi gaduh satu komuniti, satu kampung and so on. Hidup kita ni sudah penuh dengan masalah, kita mau happy2 ja dengan kawan2 and family. Jangan buang masa kumpul kebencian. Kalau kau buli tukar tu kebencian pakai DUIT, sia pecaya juga lah. Tapi nda buli kan? What do you get? NUTHIN.

Bagus lagi kita cari duit buli pi melancong happy2. Kita semua manusia lemah. TIADA KAWAN YG SEMPURNA. Don't expect them to be. 

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